Daily Hope Devotionals - Rest

Surrender Your Defense to God

King David knew what it meant to be attacked emotionally, verbally, and physically. As a young man, he was anointed by the prophet Samuel to be the next king of Israel, but Saul was still … Continue reading Surrender Your Defense to God

God Won’t Let Go of Your Hand

You can’t save yourself—but you don’t have to! All you need to do is put your hand in God’s hand and say, “God, I surrender it all to you—all the good and bad parts of … Continue reading God Won’t Let Go of Your Hand

Life Is All About Relationships

Contentment does not come naturally to human beings. By nature, we are restless sheep. Yet we can learn contentment. To learn contentment, we need to stop incessantly grabbing for more. Philippians 4:12-13 says, “I know … Continue reading Life Is All About Relationships

You Can Relax in God’s Amazing Grace

Your failures don’t surprise God. In fact, he expects them! The Bible says, “[God] knows what we are made of; he remembers that we are dust” (Psalm 103:14 GNT). He knows what you’re made of … Continue reading You Can Relax in God’s Amazing Grace

Exchange Your Restlessness for God’s Peace

Did you know that sheep don’t like to lie down? And people are just like them! But if you don’t choose to slow down, God will make you lie down. Living life God’s way means … Continue reading Exchange Your Restlessness for God’s Peace

Work Six Days, and Then Rest

In the Bible, a day of rest is called Sabbath. It’s when you take a day off from work—not just from your job but from any kind of work. God didn’t make the Sabbath for … Continue reading Work Six Days, and Then Rest

Resistance to Rest Is Immaturity

When we started Saddleback Church, I was working 18 hours a day. We hosted people in our home twice a week, every week. On the last Sunday of the first year, I stood up to … Continue reading Resistance to Rest Is Immaturity

God Wants You to Rest

Are you always in a hurry? Is your to-do list unrealistically long? Has more than one person ever told you to slow down? Do you feel guilty when you relax? Do you have to get … Continue reading God Wants You to Rest

How to Find Rest at Christmas

It’s called the most wonderful time of the year. But for many people, it doesn’t feel that way. Maybe instead of wonder, you’ve found worry this Christmas season. Instead of experiencing peace on Earth, you’re … Continue reading How to Find Rest at Christmas

It’s Okay to Rest

Many people don’t see the value in getting enough rest. But God knows that, without proper rest, you’ll struggle to be who he wants you to be. Rest is so important to God that he … Continue reading It’s Okay to Rest