Daily Hope Devotionals - Guilt

Don’t Waste Another Day on Guilt

When you feel guilty, it’s hard to think about anything else. You might try to push the thought away, but it just keeps popping back up! It’s like taking a dozen ping-pong balls and trying … Continue reading Don’t Waste Another Day on Guilt

There’s Only One Way to Get Rid of Guilt

Every one of us has a good reason to feel guilt. Not one does everything right! We hurt other people. We act selfishly. Often the unkindest things we say and do are to the people … Continue reading There’s Only One Way to Get Rid of Guilt

Live in the Joy of Forgiveness

If you’re a follower of Jesus, joy should be a way of life. Why? You’ve been completely forgiven. There’s no longer a reason for guilt or shame. Sounds like a good reason for joy to … Continue reading Live in the Joy of Forgiveness

How Do You Keep a Clear Conscience?

Feeling guilty or ashamed can cause you to lose your happiness. You’ve got to get rid of guilt and maintain a clear conscience if you want to be happy—because you cannot feel guilty and be … Continue reading How Do You Keep a Clear Conscience?

The Cross Frees You to Forgive

Jesus broke the power of sin on the cross. Romans 6:6 says, “We know that our old life died with Christ on the cross so that our sinful selves would have no power over us” … Continue reading The Cross Frees You to Forgive

Revealing Is the Beginning of Healing

Revealing your feeling is the beginning of emotional healing. The Bible says, “Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed” (James 5:16 NIV). Do you want … Continue reading Revealing Is the Beginning of Healing

Prayer Recovers Emotional Health

Have you ever been paralyzed by emotions, such as grief, fear, guilt, or shame? I have. You may think you can’t do anything about your emotions—but that just isn’t true. When you’re paralyzed by your … Continue reading Prayer Recovers Emotional Health

Live in the Joy of Forgiveness

If you’re a follower of Jesus, joy should be a way of life. Why? You’ve been completely forgiven. There’s no longer a reason for guilt or shame. Sounds like a good reason for joy to … Continue reading Live in the Joy of Forgiveness

Your Biggest Problem, and What to Do About It

Today, most cultures don’t think sin is ugly. In fact, many people think sin is fun! Think about media. TV shows, social media memes, and movies use sin for humor. This is Satan’s strategy: to … Continue reading Your Biggest Problem, and What to Do About It

Jesus Offers Hope for Bad Decisions

For the last several days you’ve seen six different tests you can use when making decisions. Today I have them all listed here together. As you read over the tests again, reflect on your own … Continue reading Jesus Offers Hope for Bad Decisions