Daily Hope Devotionals - Confession

Tell God About It

We all respond to hidden wounds in different ways. Some people act out. Other people get angry all the time. Others self-medicate with drugs or alcohol. Still others try to escape the pain by moving … Continue reading Tell God About It

A Fresh Start After Sexual Sin

God’s standards never change: Premarital sex is unacceptable. It always has been. It always will be. Living together without getting married is unacceptable to God. It always has been. It always will be. Adultery—being unfaithful … Continue reading A Fresh Start After Sexual Sin

The Battle for Sexual Purity Starts in Your Mind

Every temptation starts in the mind. Proverbs 4:23 says, “Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life” (NCV). The battle for sexual purity is won or lost in your mind. Anytime you … Continue reading The Battle for Sexual Purity Starts in Your Mind

Three Things to Avoid When You’re Angry

We all get angry from time to time. We may handle it differently, but none of us can escape the emotion entirely. But just because we get angry doesn’t mean we’re sinning. The Bible says, … Continue reading Three Things to Avoid When You’re Angry

You Don’t Have to Live With Guilt

God is always ready to give you another chance. That’s a foundational piece of Christianity. We’ve all been irresponsible. We’ve all screwed up. The Bible tells us, “Not a single person on earth is always … Continue reading You Don’t Have to Live With Guilt

It’s Time to Change Your Mind

Changing your life requires new thinking. The battle to change the defects in your life is always a mental battle. It starts in the mind—and that’s where the battle is won or lost. Ephesians 4:23 … Continue reading It’s Time to Change Your Mind

Your Sin Is Never Private

Sin may be secret, but it’s never private. It will either come out now, here on earth, or at Judgment Day, but it’s going to be known. Numbers 32:23 is one of the scariest verses … Continue reading Your Sin Is Never Private

Four Benefits of Admitting Your Mistakes

The fastest way to build community is through admitting your mistakes. But why in the world would anybody risk honesty? Because it’s worth the risk. God says there are four benefits of being honest about … Continue reading Four Benefits of Admitting Your Mistakes

It’s Time to Tend to the Soil

Gardeners know that you can take the exact same seed and plant it in three different locations and get three different results. In one spot, you may get giant tomatoes. In another, you may get … Continue reading It’s Time to Tend to the Soil

The First Step Toward Resolving Conflict

One of the most important life skills you need to learn is conflict resolution. If you don’t learn it, you’ll spend much of your life miserable—because we’re imperfect people and we have conflict almost every … Continue reading The First Step Toward Resolving Conflict