Daily Hope Devotional
God promises to bless your life when you spend time with him each day. This means setting aside time every day to meet with God—what is often called a quiet time. It could be five, … Continue reading Give God Your Best Time Each Day
God promises to bless your life, but there’s a condition: You must follow his instructions. The promises and blessings of God aren’t automatic—they come with conditions. The Bible contains over 7,000 promises where God essentially … Continue reading Obedience Leads to Blessings
People who learn how to fight the battle in their minds live more effective lives. If you want to learn to manage your mind, you have to be delivered from destructive thoughts. That isn’t easy … Continue reading Make Up Your Mind to Manage Your Mind
God is far more interested in changing your mind than changing your circumstances. We want God to take away all of our problems, pain, sorrow, suffering, sickness, and sadness. But God wants to work on … Continue reading Your Life Is Shaped by Your Thoughts
There is a battle going on inside you between your old, sinful nature and your new nature that comes from Christ. If you want to win this battle, you’re going to have to change the … Continue reading The Battle for Your Mind
If you don’t want to just drift through your life and, instead, you want to break out of discouragement and despair and depression, then you’re going to have to learn to tune some people out. … Continue reading Who Do You Think You Are?
I don’t know what your next step is, but I do know this: You have one. God will never be finished taking you deeper in faith. There is always a next step. Your next step … Continue reading Take the Next Step of Faith
Setting a big goal can be exciting at first—and overwhelming. In fact, looking at a big goal in front of you can make you afraid. So, how can you respond in faith instead of fear? … Continue reading Work for Your Goals in Faith, Not Fear
The Bible tells the story of a blind man named Bartimaeus. One day, as Jesus and his followers left Jericho, they came upon him begging by the side of the road. When he heard that … Continue reading Seize the Moment
God cares about what kind of goals you set. In fact, setting godly goals benefits you in three major ways: Godly goals challenge your faith. The Bible says, “Without faith it is impossible to please … Continue reading Three Characteristics of Godly Goals
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