Daily Hope Devotionals - Rest

What Should You Do on the Sabbath?

We each must consciously decide to make time for things other than work. If we don’t, we’ll never rest. We’ll quickly burn out! It’s like a bow and arrow. When a bow is constantly strung … Continue reading What Should You Do on the Sabbath?

You’re Not God—Stop Acting Like It!

You’re not God. You don’t have all the answers. You can’t do everything. If you’re struggling to find balance in your life, those admissions can transform everything. The Bible says, “Only someone too stupid to … Continue reading You’re Not God—Stop Acting Like It!

Just Enough Time to Do God’s Will

In a 21st century world where we’re overworked, overstressed, and over-scheduled, this may be one of the most significant and freeing sentences you’ll ever read: You have just enough time to do God’s will. That … Continue reading Just Enough Time to Do God’s Will

Love God With Your Strength

Jesus said the greatest commandment is to “love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength” (Mark 12:30 NLT). As we’ve learned, God expects every one of us to … Continue reading Love God With Your Strength

Do Less So You Can Do More

The Bible says in Mark 12:30, “You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength” (NLT). Another way to say it is this: … Continue reading Do Less So You Can Do More

Follow the Gentle Ways of Jesus

Everyone wants to know the antidote to anxiety because we all experience it. We live in stressful times and rest for our bodies and souls seems elusive. But it’s not a secret: Jesus wants you … Continue reading Follow the Gentle Ways of Jesus

Jesus Wants to Share Your Load

Are you feeling overloaded? You may be trying to control things too much. We do it all the time, sometimes without realizing it. Even when we don’t try to, we act subconsciously as if it … Continue reading Jesus Wants to Share Your Load

Is Your Soul Weary? Come to Jesus

When Jesus says, “Come to me and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28 CEV), what kind of rest is he talking about? Jesus offers a rest for your soul that’s much deeper than physical … Continue reading Is Your Soul Weary? Come to Jesus

If You’re Worn Down, Show Up

The bigger the changes that happen in your life, the more time you need to spend with God. That time with God is called a quiet time. You read the Bible, talk to God in … Continue reading If You’re Worn Down, Show Up

Truth That Refuels You

Emotional exhaustion isn’t new. It’s also not something foreign to the Bible. Just read the book of Lamentations. When Jeremiah wrote the book, Jerusalem had been captured. The Israelites were in exile. Everything Jeremiah held … Continue reading Truth That Refuels You