Daily Hope Devotionals - Relationships

Fan the Flames of Romance by Paying Attention

Good marriages don’t just happen. Marriages are what you make them. If you put in the effort, you can learn the skills and wisdom to build a great relationship, regardless of what your marriage has … Continue reading Fan the Flames of Romance by Paying Attention

Choose to Bless, Not to Gossip

We all have people in our lives who exasperate us. They might be demanding, disapproving, or demeaning. Perhaps they’re self-centered and focus every conversation on themselves. Or maybe they just love to argue or complain. … Continue reading Choose to Bless, Not to Gossip

Let Go of Your Hurt

Has someone ever done a crazy, hurtful thing to you or to someone you love? And maybe you’ve thought, “I know the Christian thing to do is to forgive, so I will. I will forgive … Continue reading Let Go of Your Hurt

Love Overlooks Offenses

When you’re dealing with people who are offensive or irritating, you need to look past the behavior to the pain. Everything we do is motivated by something. When people hurt others, it’s because they’re hurting … Continue reading Love Overlooks Offenses

Fear Rejection? Keep Eternity in Mind

One way to overcome the fear of rejection is by keeping the right perspective. You can listen to the opinions of others—but don’t ever overvalue what they say. In Isaiah 51:12, God says, “I am … Continue reading Fear Rejection? Keep Eternity in Mind

Unpack Your Emotional Baggage Before Marriage

Before you start dating someone, it’s crucial that you make an honest assessment of your own emotional health and that of your potential partner. I remember marrying a couple many years ago at Saddleback. About … Continue reading Unpack Your Emotional Baggage Before Marriage

Let God Guide Your Choices

If you wait for the perfect wife or the perfect husband, you’ll never find them. Let me tell you why: No one is perfect. We’re all broken. And that’s okay. God loves you, despite your … Continue reading Let God Guide Your Choices

Choose Your Partner Carefully

If you’re supposed to choose your friends carefully, you should be even more careful about choosing your life partner. And notice that you do get to choose. God leads, guides, and gives you guidelines. But … Continue reading Choose Your Partner Carefully

Peace with People Follows Peace with God

When you have conflict, focus on reconciliation, not resolution. There’s a big difference between those two words. Reconciliation means re-establishing the relationship. Resolution means resolving every issue. In most cases, resolution isn’t going to happen—there … Continue reading Peace with People Follows Peace with God

Fix the Problem, Not the Blame

You only have a certain amount of emotional energy. When you’re trying to resolve conflict, you can use that energy either to fix the blame or to fix the problem. You don’t have enough energy … Continue reading Fix the Problem, Not the Blame