Daily Hope Devotionals - Relationships

Let Your Pain Draw You Closer to Others

Suffering changes you. It can turn you away from self-centeredness and toward caring more about other people in pain. One important way you can use your pain for good is to draw closer to others. … Continue reading Let Your Pain Draw You Closer to Others

You Need a More Powerful Light

We all have dark days. There are dark days of disappointment when your dreams crumble and your plans fall apart. There are dark days when you’re stressed out by finances or relationships, dark days of … Continue reading You Need a More Powerful Light

Love Looks, and Love Listens

What God does for you, he wants you to do for other people. God accepts you unconditionally. That doesn’t mean he approves of everything you do, but he accepts you, no matter what you’ve done. … Continue reading Love Looks, and Love Listens

Believe in Others Like Jesus Believes in You

Jesus believes in you. There is plenty of proof in the Bible! Take a look at these verses: “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move … Continue reading Believe in Others Like Jesus Believes in You

They’ll Know Us by Our Love

The sign of a Christian is love. How many people know you’re a Christian because of your loving lifestyle? We sing about love, talk about love, pray about love, and study love. But do we … Continue reading They’ll Know Us by Our Love

Forgiven People Forgive Others

A lot of people think God carries grudges. They picture God up in heaven, waiting to zap them for anything they do wrong. Here’s what God is really like: “I am the God who forgives … Continue reading Forgiven People Forgive Others

Why You Need Others During Tough Times

When we experience setbacks, our most common response is our worst response: We want to withdraw, to build a wall around ourselves, to push people away. But that’s the last thing we should do. When … Continue reading Why You Need Others During Tough Times

The Key to Lasting Love

Lasting love is persistent. It is determined. It is diligent. It is resolute. It endures the worst and doesn’t give up on a relationship. It’s stubborn! The purpose of a relationship is not just to … Continue reading The Key to Lasting Love

Tell It Like It Could Be

When you have high expectations of someone, you don’t tell it like it is. You tell it like it could be. What does that mean? It’s means you believe in what God wants to do … Continue reading Tell It Like It Could Be

Lasting Love Extends Grace

No relationship will survive without grace. You’ve got to cut people some slack! You’ve got to let things go. The Bible says, “Love patiently accepts all things” (1 Corinthians 13:7 NCV). In the original Greek, … Continue reading Lasting Love Extends Grace