Daily Hope Devotionals - Indecision

¿Tienes Miedo de Tomar la Decisión Equivocada?

“Me guía por sendas correctas, y así da honra a su nombre”. Salmos 23:3 (NTV) Con frecuencia nos da miedo tomar malas decisiones, y eso crea estrés. Quizás estás enfrentando una decisión de mayor tamaño: … Continue reading ¿Tienes Miedo de Tomar la Decisión Equivocada?

Why Won’t God Tell Me the Next Step?

When you are seeking God’s will for your life, you need to understand one very important thing—God is not obligated to reveal Step 2 until you’ve done Step 1. Maybe you keep saying, “I want … Continue reading Why Won’t God Tell Me the Next Step?

Four Ways God Speaks to You

God is speaking to you, but are you listening for his voice? Today’s verse says God sometimes speaks one way, sometimes another. The question to ask is, “How do I tune in so that I … Continue reading Four Ways God Speaks to You

Two Steps Toward Knowing God’s Will

If you want to know God’s will, then you can start with these two steps: 1. Admit that you need guidance. Psalm 25:9 says, “He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them … Continue reading Two Steps Toward Knowing God’s Will

Why Won’t God Tell You the Next Step?

You may keep saying that you want to know God’s will for your career or your relationship, but first God wants you to get to the basics down. Are you reading your Bible? Are you … Continue reading Why Won’t God Tell You the Next Step?

Three Mistakes to Avoid When Seeking God’s Will

You may be at what you think is a dead end in your life. “We’re never going to get out of debt!” “I’m never going to have a baby.” “My dream is never going to … Continue reading Three Mistakes to Avoid When Seeking God’s Will

What Is God’s Will?

God’s not playing games with you. He wants you to understand his will, purpose, and plan for your life. You may say, “I want God to guide me, but I still get confused. I don’t … Continue reading What Is God’s Will?

¿Tienes Miedo de Tomar la Decisión Equivocada?

“Me guía por sendas correctas, y así da honra a su nombre”.  Salmo 23:3 (NTV) Con frecuencia nos da miedo tomar malas decisiones, y eso crea estrés. Quizás estás enfrentando una decisión de mayor tamaño: … Continue reading ¿Tienes Miedo de Tomar la Decisión Equivocada?

Cuatro Maneras en las que Dios te Habla

“Dios habla una y otra vez, aunque la gente no lo reconozca”.  Job 33:14 (NTV) Muchos de nosotros pensamos que estamos demasiado ocupados para escuchar las respuestas de Dios. Pero debemos tomarnos el tiempo para … Continue reading Cuatro Maneras en las que Dios te Habla

Dos Pasos para Conocer la Voluntad de Dios

  “Si alguno de ustedes requiere de sabiduría, pídasela a Dios, y él se la dará, pues Dios se la da a todos en abundancia y sin hacer ningún reproche”.  Santiago 1:5 (RVC) Si quieres … Continue reading Dos Pasos para Conocer la Voluntad de Dios