What Is God’s Will?
by Rick Warren — March 20, 2020
“God . . . invited you into this wonderful friendship with his Son, even Christ our Lord.”
1 Corinthians 1:9 (TLB)
You may say, “I want God to guide me, but I still get confused. I don’t know what to do.” Often the problem is we’re looking for the wrong thing.
You need to know what you’re looking for before you can find it.
So, what is God’s will?
1. God’s will is not a feeling.
You may be looking for a feeling or a supernatural sign. You want God to pull your heartstrings so you’ll know exactly what to do.
The problem is that feelings are unreliable; they will often guide you the wrong way. Jeremiah 17:9 says, “The heart is deceitful” (NIV). Even your heart plays tricks on you. Even the devil can create a feeling.
Don’t wait for a feeling when you’re trying to figure out God’s plan for your life.
2. God’s will is not a formula.
In our culture, we want everything to be easy. We want things to follow a simple formula so it will instantly change our lives. We want a step-by-step guide.
But there’s a problem with this approach: There’s no room for mistakes.
God’s will is not a closed system. It is dynamic! It is not always an issue of choosing A or B. In fact, many times you can choose from A to Z, and any of them will be okay. It’s your choice. Why would God give you a brain and not expect you to use it? He lets you make choices, and he gives you second chances.
So, if God’s will is not a feeling or a formula, then what is it?
3. God’s will is a relationship.
The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 1:9, “God . . . invited you into this wonderful friendship with his Son, even Christ our Lord” (TLB).
There is very little in the Bible about the technique of knowing God’s will. But there are thousands of verses that talk about developing a loving relationship with Jesus Christ. Why? Because God’s will is a relationship.
The better you get to know him, the less confusion you’re going to have about what his will is. When you get to know God, everything else becomes secondary.
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