Daily Hope Devotionals - Humility

If You Know It, Then Do It

Yesterday, we looked at Mark 12:30: “You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength” (NLT). One way to look at this verse is to focus on loving … Continue reading If You Know It, Then Do It

Small Lessons Lead to Big Successes

Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and across the wilderness to the Promised Land. It should have only taken them a few weeks, even with a large crowd. But it took them 40 years. … Continue reading Small Lessons Lead to Big Successes

The Secret to Being a Likeable Person

If you want to stand out at work, you need to be likeable. If people don’t like you, they’re not going to trust you, and they certainly won’t promote you. A lot of people think … Continue reading The Secret to Being a Likeable Person

How to Love God With All of You

One way to look at today’s verse is to focus on loving God with all your talk, all your feelings, all your thinking, and all your behavior. God shaped you to be primarily a talker, … Continue reading How to Love God With All of You

Let It All Out

We all go through a time when our lives seem to be falling apart. We lose our job. A relationship falls apart. Someone dies. Our health takes a turn for the worse. In those times, … Continue reading Let It All Out

You Need a Battle Buddy

People don’t go to war by themselves. It would be a suicide mission. Someone has to have your back. You need a battle buddy. The same is true in the spiritual battles we all face. … Continue reading You Need a Battle Buddy

You Need the Support of a Small Group

If I were to ask you to complete this sentence, “If you want a job done right . . .” you would probably finish it with this: “. . . do it yourself.” But that’s … Continue reading You Need the Support of a Small Group

Follow the Gentle Ways of Jesus

Everyone wants to know the antidote to anxiety because we all experience it. We live in stressful times and rest for our bodies and souls seems elusive. But it’s not a secret: Jesus wants you … Continue reading Follow the Gentle Ways of Jesus

What Moves God to Answer Prayer?

God always responds to humility. It’s the attitude that moves him to answer your prayers. The Bible says, “LORD, you have heard the desire of the humble; you will strengthen their hearts. You will listen … Continue reading What Moves God to Answer Prayer?

Don’t Repeat the Hurt. Let It Go!

When people hurt us, we have two natural tendencies: to remember and to retaliate. But that’s not what 1 Corinthians 13:5 tells us to do: “Love does not count up wrongs that have been done” … Continue reading Don’t Repeat the Hurt. Let It Go!