Daily Hope Devotionals - Grace

God Won’t Let Go of Your Hand

You can’t save yourself—but you don’t have to! All you need to do is put your hand in God’s hand and say, “God, I surrender it all to you—all the good and bad parts of … Continue reading God Won’t Let Go of Your Hand

Don’t Be Afraid!

What are you worried about today? The economy? Your health? Your bills? Your kids? Are you worried about the future? The fact is there are a lot of reasons to be afraid in today’s world. … Continue reading Don’t Be Afraid!

How to Move From Overwhelmed to Overflowing

It’s better to rest in God’s goodness than to be overwhelmed with work and worry. But it’s also easier said than done. It can be hard to take the steps that lead to rest and … Continue reading How to Move From Overwhelmed to Overflowing

You Can Relax in God’s Amazing Grace

Your failures don’t surprise God. In fact, he expects them! The Bible says, “[God] knows what we are made of; he remembers that we are dust” (Psalm 103:14 GNT). He knows what you’re made of … Continue reading You Can Relax in God’s Amazing Grace

Trust Jesus One Day at a Time

There are two days you should never worry about: yesterday and tomorrow. Jesus said, “Don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will have its own worries. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34 … Continue reading Trust Jesus One Day at a Time

Hope Is Believing in God’s Goodness

God has only good plans for your life. He never has, and he never will have bad plans for you. Yet, many people miss God’s plan for their lives because they don’t trust God. Instead, … Continue reading Hope Is Believing in God’s Goodness

Christmas Comes With a Choice

Redemption is when somebody pays for your sins so that you can be forgiven and walk away justified. They do your time. They pay your penalty. All the things you’ve done wrong are paid for … Continue reading Christmas Comes With a Choice

God Shines His Goodness on All People

Many people think you only get good gifts from God if you are good. But that’s confusing God with Santa Claus! With Santa we say, we say, “You better watch out, you better not cry … Continue reading God Shines His Goodness on All People

God’s Promise to the Generous and Humble

What does God promise to those who do everything in life with humility and generosity? They will be respected. The Bible says, “Happy is the person who honors the Lord . . . He gives generously … Continue reading God’s Promise to the Generous and Humble

The Freedom to Talk to God

When you put your trust in Jesus as your Savior, he gives you four great freedoms. The first is a clear conscience. He forgives your sin and wipes away your guilt. The second great freedom … Continue reading The Freedom to Talk to God