Daily Hope Devotionals - Grace

Wise People Choose Mercy

The Bible says wisdom “is full of mercy and the fruit of good deeds” (James 3:17 NLT). In other words—even when people mess up, sin, fumble, and fail—it’s wise to show grace. God is both … Continue reading Wise People Choose Mercy

Unfairness Points Us Toward Jesus

You’ll hear it from many places these days: People are basically good and unselfish. It’s their environments that turn people’s hearts toward evil. Unfortunately, that theory just doesn’t match with what we see in human … Continue reading Unfairness Points Us Toward Jesus

Are You Ready to Respond Responsibly?

Some of the clearest evidence of maturity and responsibility in your life is when you can handle the pressures, problems, and pains of life without becoming angry. The key to responsibility is learning to control … Continue reading Are You Ready to Respond Responsibly?

Using Your Gifts Is an Act of Worship

When you use the gifts that God has given you, it is an act of worship. What makes God smile? Some people think God only smiles when you’re praying or singing or going to church. … Continue reading Using Your Gifts Is an Act of Worship

True Faith Is Active, Never Passive

Is faith simply a frame of mind? Some see it that way—as a passive attribute of a Christian waiting to see what God has in store for them: a promotion, cancer, depression, betrayal, blessing, wealth, … Continue reading True Faith Is Active, Never Passive

Grow, Sow, and Go in Faith

God wants you to focus on growing, sowing, and going in faith. First, God wants you to grow in faith. He doesn’t want you to be a spiritual baby. The Bible says in Colossians 2:7: … Continue reading Grow, Sow, and Go in Faith

When God Gives You a Second Chance, Seize It

When God gives you another chance to fulfill your mission in life, seize it. Don’t waste it. It’s the time to focus on God’s unique calling for your life. Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 6:1, … Continue reading When God Gives You a Second Chance, Seize It

Don’t Settle for False Fixes

When we’re in trouble, we’re often tempted to find some sort of quick fix—or at least something that will relieve our stress. People’s families may be falling apart. Their finances may be falling apart. Their … Continue reading Don’t Settle for False Fixes

Ready, Set—Wait

When life seems to be falling apart, your best and most “spiritual” response may surprise you: Get alone with God, and wait. The Bible tells us in Lamentations 3:28, “When life is heavy and hard … Continue reading Ready, Set—Wait

How to Defeat Discouragement

Do you know that God loves you? Maybe you’ve heard that truth all your life! But if you know God loves you, do you sense and recognize God’s love? When you stop believing you are … Continue reading How to Defeat Discouragement