Daily Hope Devotionals - Grace

God Wants to Take You Deeper in Faith

I don’t know what step you need to take next, but I do know that you need to take it. Maybe your next step is to accept Jesus Christ into your life. Or perhaps it’s … Continue reading God Wants to Take You Deeper in Faith

You Need to Accept the Reality of Failure

In America, failure is almost the unpardonable sin. We idolize success. But that kind of pressure creates major stress on people. The fear of failure has many different faces. It can cause you to be … Continue reading You Need to Accept the Reality of Failure

You Are Saved for a Purpose

There’s an amazing paradox to God’s grace. It’s absolutely free to all who come to Jesus in faith. Yet the grace of God is the costliest gift we’ll ever receive. It cost God’s Son his … Continue reading You Are Saved for a Purpose

How to Receive the Grace of God

In yesterday’s devotional we looked at 10 great benefits of God’s grace in our lives. As you read those benefits, you may have wondered how you can receive that grace in your life. It would … Continue reading How to Receive the Grace of God

Ten Ways We Rely on God’s Grace

As Christians, we tend to think about grace when it’s connected to our salvation. But grace is about much more than just how we come to Christ. Our entire Christian walk must be fueled by … Continue reading Ten Ways We Rely on God’s Grace

Who Will Be in Heaven Because of You?

The Bible says in Acts 20:24, “The most important thing is that I complete my mission, the work that the Lord Jesus gave me—to tell people the Good News about God’s grace” (NCV). Notice it … Continue reading Who Will Be in Heaven Because of You?

How Does Your Giving Reflect God’s Grace?

If you want to measure how much you understand grace and how much you’re living by grace, look at your giving. The Bible says, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your … Continue reading How Does Your Giving Reflect God’s Grace?

God Can Restore You After You Sin

When you become a believer in Christ, you are born again into God’s family, and you cannot be unborn. Although the fellowship with God can be damaged by sin, the relationship is still there. You’re … Continue reading God Can Restore You After You Sin

Why Doesn’t God Reject Sinners?

The Bible says there is no condemnation for our sin once we place our faith in Jesus, but it does not say there are no consequences. Every time you disobey God, you hurt yourself and … Continue reading Why Doesn’t God Reject Sinners?

Three Reasons God Says to Forgive Others

It’s possible that you are carrying some deep wounds that you’ve carried for months, maybe even years. When you think about the person who hurt you, it’s still as fresh as if it happened this … Continue reading Three Reasons God Says to Forgive Others