Daily Hope Devotionals - Fellowship

Five Things to Do While You Wait

Do you ever feel like you’re waiting on God? Maybe you can’t relate to the Israelites, who wandered in the desert for 40 years while they were waiting on God to deliver them. But you … Continue reading Five Things to Do While You Wait

Let Your Pain Draw You Closer to Others

Suffering changes you. It can turn you away from self-centeredness and toward caring more about other people in pain. One important way you can use your pain for good is to draw closer to others. … Continue reading Let Your Pain Draw You Closer to Others

You Need the Support of a Small Group

If I were to ask you to complete this sentence, “If you want a job done right . . .” you would probably finish it with this: “. . . do it yourself.” But that’s … Continue reading You Need the Support of a Small Group

How to Enter the Fellowship of the Suffering

Christians talk a lot about fellowship. But that word can mean different things—ranging from simply saying hello before a church service to serving together on a mission trip. But the deepest kind of fellowship is … Continue reading How to Enter the Fellowship of the Suffering

How to Stay Hungry for God

Are you hungry for God? It’s possible to maintain a spiritual hunger for God for the rest of your life. Here are five ways to sustain a spiritual appetite. 1. Remind yourself how much God … Continue reading How to Stay Hungry for God

Suffering Can Deepen Your Fellowship

If you allow it to, pain will deepen and mature your love for God and others because suffering helps you become sensitive to the suffering around you. Pain can turn the most self-centered people into … Continue reading Suffering Can Deepen Your Fellowship

The Best Expression of Love Is Time

It’s easy to go through life stressed and overloaded. But getting your relationships right is one significant way to reduce the stress you feel. Yesterday we looked at one truth about life and relationships: The … Continue reading The Best Expression of Love Is Time

Three Reasons to Walk Through Life with Others

The Bible often compares life to a walk because life is a journey—you’re not sitting still. The New Testament repeatedly says that you should walk in wisdom, love, light, and obedience. It tells you to … Continue reading Three Reasons to Walk Through Life with Others

The Church Isn’t Perfect; Love It Anyway

Unity in any area of your life—in your small group, church, or family—requires you to be realistic in your expectations. Many people bring unrealistic expectations to church. To expect any church to always do everything … Continue reading The Church Isn’t Perfect; Love It Anyway

God Is There, Even When He Seems Distant

God has promised repeatedly, “I will never leave you; I will never abandon you” (Hebrews 13:5 GNT). Yet God has not promised that you will always feel his presence. In fact, God acknowledges that sometimes … Continue reading God Is There, Even When He Seems Distant