Daily Hope Devotionals - Fellowship

God Is There, Even When He Seems Distant

God has promised repeatedly, “I will never leave you; I will never abandon you” (Hebrews 13:5 GNT). Yet God has not promised that you will always feel his presence. In fact, God acknowledges that sometimes … Continue reading God Is There, Even When He Seems Distant

Get the Power to Go After Your Goals

You get to plan the way you want to live, but only God gives you the power and energy to experience transformation. Why? Because God provides the three things you must have to reach your … Continue reading Get the Power to Go After Your Goals

Give to Encourage God’s Family

God wants you to learn to love him and invest in the lives of other people. When you give your money to God, it draws you closer to him. Then he wants you to learn … Continue reading Give to Encourage God’s Family

God’s Family Helps You Grow

God doesn’t want you to remain a spiritual baby. He wants you to become like Christ. He wants you to grow. But here’s the catch: You can’t do it on your own. Babies don’t just … Continue reading God’s Family Helps You Grow

What Is Your Daily Bread?

When Jesus tells you to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11 ESV), he’s talking about far more than just bread. In fact, the Bible says that bread represents four things. Bread … Continue reading What Is Your Daily Bread?

Talk to God About Your Interests

God loves for you to talk to him about anything. Whatever you’re interested in, God is interested in it too. He wants you to talk to him about your interests for three reasons. God loves … Continue reading Talk to God About Your Interests

To Grow Spiritually, You Need Other People

As I mentioned yesterday, your character is essentially the sum of your habits; it’s how you habitually act. The Bible says, “Put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and … Continue reading To Grow Spiritually, You Need Other People

Every Christian Is a Minister

God says you are a priest. Depending on your background, that may be scary, confusing, or exciting to you. In the Bible, Peter says, “You come to him as living stones, a spiritual house that … Continue reading Every Christian Is a Minister

Courageous People Resolve Conflict

God wants you to live at peace with everyone. Why? Because unresolved conflict has three devastating effects in life. First, it blocks your fellowship with God. When you’re out of harmony with others, you can’t … Continue reading Courageous People Resolve Conflict

Take Care of Your Spiritual Family

If you follow Jesus, you can’t just care about your own family. You must also care about God’s family—your spiritual family. Who is your spiritual family? It’s your brothers and sisters in the family of … Continue reading Take Care of Your Spiritual Family