Daily Hope Devotionals - Connection

What It Means to Be Saved

Because of God’s great mercy, Jesus came “to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10 NIV). He showed you how much you matter to him by sending his Son to die on the cross … Continue reading What It Means to Be Saved

God Sees Your Potential

God has amazing plans for you! But if you’re not connected to him, you lose out on everything he wants to do in your life. Yesterday we looked at two things people lose when they’re … Continue reading God Sees Your Potential

How Listening Changes Lives

We’ve been looking the last few days at the things that can give you confidence in sharing the hope you have in Jesus. Today’s confidence builder is this: You can help lead anyone to Jesus … Continue reading How Listening Changes Lives

Don’t Get Fatigued. Stay Connected!

Did you know that God has special work for you to do? That’s why you’re alive. He made you to do good works that he planned for you before you were even born. Ephesians 2:10 … Continue reading Don’t Get Fatigued. Stay Connected!

The Benefits of Belonging to a Church Family, Part 2

Belonging to a church family has many benefits. Yesterday we looked at two of those benefits: Through the church, you learn your true identity and you are supported by others. Today we’ll look at three … Continue reading The Benefits of Belonging to a Church Family, Part 2

The Benefits of Belonging to a Church Family, Part 1

The better connected you are to a church family, the more you will experience everything the church has to offer. What does the church have to offer? You get five benefits when you belong to … Continue reading The Benefits of Belonging to a Church Family, Part 1

Commit to Jesus and His Family

God never meant for you to go through life on your own. He wants you to be part of his family—the church. In fact, the church has been God’s plan from the very beginning. Some … Continue reading Commit to Jesus and His Family

How to Work for Unity in Your Church

Do you want to become an agent of harmony and unity in your church? If so, the first step is this: Focus on what you have in common with other Christians, rather than your differences. … Continue reading How to Work for Unity in Your Church

God Has Prepared You for a Fresh Start

If you’re ready to make a fresh start, you need to take a personal inventory. That means you take stock of and evaluate what you’ve got to work with. When you do a personal inventory, … Continue reading God Has Prepared You for a Fresh Start

Four Secrets to Answered Prayer

God wants you to pray bold prayers. For example, Nehemiah, cupbearer to King Artaxerxes, prayed a bold prayer when he heard about the desolation of Jerusalem. He prayed that God would move upon the king’s … Continue reading Four Secrets to Answered Prayer