Daily Hope Devotionals - 1 Timothy 4

Four Ways to Use Your Spiritual Gifts

God has given spiritual gifts to every single follower of Jesus. How do you start using the spiritual gifts God put inside of you? Here are four ways to get started: 1. Discover your gifts. … Continue reading Four Ways to Use Your Spiritual Gifts

Sin Is the Opposite of God

When you ask people what sin is, you’ll get a wide range of answers, from murder to forgetting to call your mom on Mother’s Day. Most of the time, people think of sin as bad … Continue reading Sin Is the Opposite of God

The Most Important Habit for Spiritual Fitness

We’ve been learning about how loving others the way God wants requires developing habits that keep you physically, emotionally, and spiritually renewed. The Bible says real love “always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. … Continue reading The Most Important Habit for Spiritual Fitness

When You Help Others Grow, You Grow Too

God wired you so that when you help other people grow, God helps you grow. You never grow faster than when you’re in fellowship with other believers and encouraging each other’s commitment to following Jesus … Continue reading When You Help Others Grow, You Grow Too

How to Become like Christ

Discipleship is the process of becoming like Christ. It’s a journey that will last a lifetime! This is how it works: Every day God wants you to become a little more like him. As the … Continue reading How to Become like Christ

Four Habits to Fortify Your Faith

If you want God to use you—fortify your faith. The Bible says in 1 Timothy 4:7, “Spend your time and energy in the exercise of keeping spiritually fit” (TLB). Do you ever wake up thinking, … Continue reading Four Habits to Fortify Your Faith

To Be Your Best, Give God Your Best

When Timothy joined Paul on his missionary journey, Timothy was still a very young man. Paul sent him to a city called Ephesus to help start and lead a church. Even though Timothy struggled with … Continue reading To Be Your Best, Give God Your Best

How to Remove and Replace Your Old Habits

The moment you give your life to Jesus, he gives you a brand-new nature. But you will still have old habits, patterns, and practices that need to be removed and replaced. It’s a lifelong process, … Continue reading How to Remove and Replace Your Old Habits

God Grows You One Step at a Time

Although God could instantly transform you, he has chosen to develop you slowly. This is how you see him work throughout the Bible. God allowed the Israelites to take over the Promised Land “little by … Continue reading God Grows You One Step at a Time

Four Ways to Use Your Spiritual Gifts

The moment you become a follower of Jesus, God gives you spiritual gifts. But how do you start using the spiritual gifts God has put inside of you? Here are four ways to get started: … Continue reading Four Ways to Use Your Spiritual Gifts