31 May 2020 0 Comment

A Journey of Lifelong Learning Starts with a Choice

Your journey of lifelong learning starts with a choice. It’s a choice only you can make. It’s an incredibly important decision that’ll impact your entire life. The Bible says, “Commit yourself to instruction; listen carefully to...
30 May 2020 0 Comment

Successful People Help the Poor

If you want to live a successful life, the Bible offers some countercultural instruction: Serve the poor! How can serving the poor help us be successful? The Bible gives us numerous reasons why this is so, but here are just a few of...
30 May 2020 0 Comment

Cuatro Maneras de usar tus Dones Espirituales

“Entréguense completamente a Dios, porque antes estaban muertos pero ahora tienen una vida nueva. Así que usen todo su cuerpo como un instrumento para hacer lo que es correcto para la gloria de Dios”.  Romanos 6:13b (NTV) ¿Cómo...
29 May 2020 0 Comment

Humility Is a Choice

When you’re successful, it’s much easier to fall hard than it is to maintain your success. We tend to get proud and forget about God, and success crumbles when we do that. If you’ve found yourself in that situation, the first step...
29 May 2020 0 Comment

¿Por qué es tan Importante tu F.O.R.M.A.?

“Traeré a todo el que es llamado por mi nombre, al que he creado para gloria mía a quien hice y formé”. Isaías 43:7 (PDT) Hace más o menos 20 años se me ocurrió un acróstico para F.O.R.M.A., para hablar sobre las cinco...
28 May 2020 0 Comment

Tú eres Valioso, no Importa quién Seas

“El Señor no ve las cosas de la manera en que tú las ves. La gente juzga por las apariencias, pero el Señor mira el corazón”. 1 Samuel 16:7b (NTV) Siempre debemos proteger la santidad de la vida, porque la vida humana revela el...
28 May 2020 0 Comment

Don’t Miss the Warning Signs of Pride

Too often when life is going well, we miss the warning signs of an impending fall. Pride blinds us—and so does the spotlight. This is why people who’ve seen some success in life need to go home and change some diapers, mow their...
27 May 2020 0 Comment

Give God the Credit So People Look to Him

Over the last few days in these devotionals, I’ve shown you what Daniel did when facing an impossible situation in Daniel 2. The king had asked him to interpret a tough dream. It almost got the king’s wise men killed because they...
27 May 2020 0 Comment

Ten una Conversación con tu Creador

“Amo al Señor porque escucha mi voz y mi oración que pide misericordia. Debido a que él se inclina para escuchar, ¡oraré mientras tenga aliento!”. Salmo 116:1-2 (NTV) Me tomó un tiempo, pero finalmente me di cuenta que este...
26 May 2020 0 Comment

Help Others with What God Has Taught You

When you’re faced with an impossibly big request, it’s easy to just give up. You figure that your boss should just find someone else. You guess that your spouse just doesn’t get you. You suspect your teacher isn’t paying attention...