21 May 2020 0 Comment

How to Tackle the Impossible

Has someone ever asked you to do something you thought was impossible? Maybe a friend, boss, or parent came to you and wanted you to do something that seemed too big for you. You may be facing such a request right now. You’re...
20 May 2020 0 Comment

Worshiping God Is the First Step in Learning

How do you become a great student? You worship God. The Bible says it like this: “Start with GOD—the first step in learning is bowing down to GOD; only fools thumb their noses at such wisdom and learning” (Proverbs 1:7 The...
20 May 2020 0 Comment

¿Qué Sucede cuando Haces lo que Sabes que está Mal?

“Quien se conduce con integridad, anda seguro; quien anda en malos pasos será descubierto”. Proverbios 10:9 (NVI) La Biblia dice en Proverbios 10:9, “Quien se conduce con integridad, anda seguro; quien anda en malos pasos será...
19 May 2020 0 Comment

Las Buenas Decisiones Siempre van de Acuerdo con la Palabra de Dios

“Tu palabra es una lámpara a mis pies; es una luz en mi sendero”.  Salmo 119:105 (NVI) Cuando necesitas tomar una decisión, la primera pregunta que debes hacerte es esta: "¿mi decisión está en armonía con la Palabra de...
19 May 2020 0 Comment

Focus on the Future to Get Through Temporary Troubles

When we follow Jesus, we will face trouble. It’s guaranteed! You’ll be harassed, persecuted, rejected, and ridiculed because of your faith. But that’s not the end of the story. The Bible says that Jesus endured the torture of the...
18 May 2020 0 Comment

Para una buena Relación, Haz un Compromiso

“Se pasa bien compartiendo con los amigos, y un verdadero amigo es mejor que un hermano”. Proverbios 18:24 (PDT) Las buenas relaciones no suceden por accidente. Hay que sembrarlas, trabajarlas, y darles mucho tiempo. ¡Eso requiere...
18 May 2020 0 Comment

Study What’s Real to Detect What Isn’t True

The only way to really know what’s fake is to know what’s real. Many people today fall for foolish ideas because they don’t know the truth. And because they don’t know what’s authentic, they can’t spot a lie. That’s why...
17 May 2020 0 Comment

No Dejes que el Chisme Destruya tus Relaciones

“La gente chismosa revela los secretos; la gente confiable es discreta”. Proverbios 11:13 (NVI) Tendemos a pensar que el chisme es uno de esos pecados “menores”. Pero cuando Dios habla del chisme, lo pone en la lista con cosas...
17 May 2020 0 Comment

Successful Learning Starts by Studying God’s Word

To really excel in whatever you’re learning—whether it’s a new skill, a new theory, or something about a new person—you must first steep yourself in God’s Word. I chose the word “steep” intentionally. If you place a tea...
16 May 2020 0 Comment

Find Friends Who Build You Up

God wants you to have non-believers as friends. He wants you to love everyone, show kindness to everyone, and help everyone you can. If you don’t have any non-Christian friends, you won’t be around anyone you can share the Good News...