Daily Hope Devotional

Be Who God Created You to Be

By Rick Warren — February 1, 2024
from Rethinking Your Life
Nothing is more discouraging than trying to be something you’re not. If you maintain a façade because you’re afraid that other people might find out who you are or that God might not love you, … Continue reading Be Who God Created You to Be

How to Defeat Discouragement

By Rick Warren — January 31, 2024
from Rethinking Your Life
Do you know that God loves you? Maybe you’ve heard that truth all your life! But if you know God loves you, do you sense and recognize God’s love? When you stop believing you are … Continue reading How to Defeat Discouragement
The more of God’s Word you get into your mind, the more defenses you will have against persistent temptation. In fact, the Bible is part of your emergency kit for temptation. The Bible calls this … Continue reading Are You Hiding God’s Word on Your Shelf or in Your Heart?

It’s Not a Sin to Be Tempted

By Rick Warren — January 29, 2024
from Rethinking Your Life
Being on a broken planet means you will never outgrow temptation. But it’s important to remember that it’s not a sin to be tempted. It’s a sin to give in to temptations. You’re not a … Continue reading It’s Not a Sin to Be Tempted

Your Temptation Emergency Kit

By Rick Warren — January 28, 2024
from Rethinking Your Life
Sometimes you’re going to need an “emergency kit” for temptation. When you get in a situation where you’re tempted and you don’t know what to do, you need to cry out to God. If you’re … Continue reading Your Temptation Emergency Kit

What Makes You Vulnerable to Temptation?

By Rick Warren — January 27, 2024
from Rethinking Your Life
If you want to be able to fight the persistent temptations in your life, you need to know what makes you vulnerable to Satan’s efforts. Ephesians 4:27 says, “Do not give the devil a foothold” … Continue reading What Makes You Vulnerable to Temptation?
You can’t defeat temptation if you don’t understand how it works. The only good thing we can say about Satan is that he doesn’t have any new ideas. He’s used the same temptations over and … Continue reading Pay Attention to Satan’s Predictable Patterns

What It Means to Have Holy Spirit Power

By Rick Warren — January 25, 2024
from Rethinking Your Life
None of us are immune to persistent sins. Some people struggle with anger, while others wrestle with worry or gossip or lust. How do you break free from persistent sin? You understand what Jesus has … Continue reading What It Means to Have Holy Spirit Power

Change the Way You Think, Change Your Life

By Rick Warren — January 24, 2024
from Rethinking Your Life
You don’t plant apple seeds and get tomatoes. In the same way, you don’t plant bitterness and get love. You don’t plant criticism and then get encouragement from other people. Galatians 6:7 says, “Make no … Continue reading Change the Way You Think, Change Your Life

Your Sin Is Never Private

By Rick Warren — January 23, 2024
from Rethinking Your Life
Sin may be secret, but it’s never private. It will either come out now, here on earth, or at Judgment Day, but it’s going to be known. Numbers 32:23 is one of the scariest verses … Continue reading Your Sin Is Never Private