Your Debt Is Paid
by Rick Warren — April 8, 2020

“We owed a debt because we broke God’s laws. That debt listed all the rules we failed to follow. But God forgave us that debt. He took away that debt and nailed it to the cross.”
Colossians 2:14 (ICB)
But you have an even bigger debt. The Bible says we owe the biggest debt of all to God.
Paul describes the debt like this in Colossians 2:14: “We owed a debt because we broke God’s laws. That debt listed all the rules we failed to follow. But God forgave us that debt. He took away that debt and nailed it to the cross” (ICB).
Can you imagine if tonight you went home, and all of your financial creditors called you and told you they were wiping out your debt completely?
You’d rejoice because you were free. That’s what Jesus did for us on the cross.
The Bible says, “His Son paid the price to free us” (Colossians 1:14 GW).
Jesus paid off your debt to God; you no longer need to pay anything.
Hebrews 10:18 tells us, “When sins have been forgiven, there is no need to offer any more sacrifices” (NLT).
Jesus Christ paid for every sin you have ever committed and ever will. He paid for the sins you’ll commit next week, next year, and in 10 years.
Jesus paid it all! There is nothing more you need to do.
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