Take the Fear out of Decision-Making

“He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.”

Psalm 23:3 (NIV)

People often fear making the wrong decision, and that creates stress.

Maybe you’re facing a decision about a major issue: Should I hold on or let go? Should I get in or get out? Should I get married? Should I find a new job? Should I move?

When you can’t make up your mind, you stagger through life. In fact, the Bible says in James 1:6-8 that when you are double-minded, you become unstable in everything you do. The Greek word for unstable literally means “to stagger like a drunk.”

But God says there is an antidote to your indecision. Psalm 23:3 says, “He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake” (NIV). You’ll be able to handle the stress of decision-making when you let God guide you.

You may be thinking, “But I’ve tried this!” You asked God to guide you, but then you became more confused than you were before. You still couldn’t figure it out. Now you wonder, “Why is knowing God’s will so difficult?”

Is God playing games with you? Of course not! God wants to guide you. He wants you to know his will more than you want to know it. The problem is you often look for the wrong thing when you’re trying to find God’s will.

You may look for a feeling. You want to be swept off your feet by some emotion so you can say, “That’s how I know what God’s will is!”

You may want a methodical approach to God’s will. You want someone to give you a recipe or a formula to follow.

Or perhaps you take a magical approach to God’s will. You’re looking for God to do some fantastic sign like writing it in the sky.

All of these ways lead to frustration and cause you to miss God’s will. God’s will is not a feeling, a formula, or something he wants you to be frustrated or fearful about.

God does not want you confused, and he does not want you to stress over making any decision. The next time you’re making a big decision, rest in the truth that God will guide you along the right paths—every step of the way.

Talk It Over

  • What big decision have you recently faced? How did you seek God’s will?
  • What keeps you from trusting that God will guide you through every decision you have to make?
  • How has God shown you his will in past decisions?

If you haven’t trusted in Jesus and committed to following him, why wait any longer?

Your sins separate you from God. And it is only God’s grace that can get you back into right relationship with him.

The Bible says, “It is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9 NIV).

If you’re ready to make peace with your Creator, then pray this prayer:

“Dear Jesus, I don’t want my sin to separate me from you any longer. I’ve looked for the truth about my life in many places, but now I know the truth is only found in you. You have promised that if I believe in you, everything I’ve ever done wrong will be forgiven, I will learn the purpose of my life, and you will accept me into your eternal home in heaven one day.

“I confess my sin, and I believe you are my Savior. You have promised that if I confess my sin and trust you, I will be saved. I trust you when you say salvation comes by grace, through faith, and not by anything I do. I receive you into my life as my Lord. Today, I’m turning over every part of my life to your management.

“I want to live the way you created me to live and use the rest of my life to serve you instead of serving myself. I commit my life to you and ask you to save me and accept me into your family. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.”

If you just prayed to accept Jesus, please email me at [email protected] and let me know about it. I’d like to send you some free materials to help you start your journey with Jesus.

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