Daily Hope Devotionals - Worry

Why the Forgiven Don’t Have to Fear

Fear is nothing new. It’s been with us from the very beginning! In the Garden of Eden, Adam hid from God and said, “I was afraid.” Humans have been living in fear of God and … Continue reading Why the Forgiven Don’t Have to Fear

What’s the Cure for Stress?

If you want a cure for stress, look to God to meet your needs. The major cause of stress in your life is worry. You worry because you wonder if you will have what you … Continue reading What’s the Cure for Stress?

Worship is the Antidote for Worry

God made you for five purposes: worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and evangelism. But you can’t fulfill those purposes on your own. Life is not a solo act. You were created for community. The only way … Continue reading Worship is the Antidote for Worry

The Cross Frees You to Forgive

Jesus broke the power of sin on the cross. Romans 6:6 says, “We know that our old life died with Christ on the cross so that our sinful selves would have no power over us” … Continue reading The Cross Frees You to Forgive

Trust God One Day at a Time

God wants you to trust him one day at a time. He wants you to ask for your “daily bread” (Matthew 6:11 ESV), not for your weekly bread, monthly bread, or yearly bread. The Bible … Continue reading Trust God One Day at a Time

Pray Instead of Worry

Contrary to popular opinion, God wants you to be happy. Many people don’t believe that to be true; they think the more dull you are, the more spiritual you are. But the Bible says, “Happy … Continue reading Pray Instead of Worry

Obedience Leads to Peace

If you feel overwhelmed or confused about a decision that you’re trying to make, you’re probably caught up in yourself and not listening for God’s voice. The Bible says, “God is not a God of … Continue reading Obedience Leads to Peace

Three Things That Keep You from Hearing God

You can’t hear God if your mind is crowded with other thoughts or concerns—particularly worries, plans, and activities. If you’re always listening to the radio or watching tv, it’s difficult to hear God when he … Continue reading Three Things That Keep You from Hearing God

Persistent Prayer Reveals Your Priorities

When you pray for something more than once, you’re not convincing God to do it. He is already waiting to give it to you! He just wants to know what’s really important to you. Praying … Continue reading Persistent Prayer Reveals Your Priorities

How to Use Your Hands to Pray

There’s nothing too small to pray about. There’s nothing too big to pray about. Pray about everything. “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you” (1 Peter 5:7 NLT). If … Continue reading How to Use Your Hands to Pray