Daily Hope Devotionals - Truth

God Is Waiting for You to Ask

God is the source of everything. He made everything you see in the world—and everything you can’t see in the world and in the universe. As you depend on God as your source for everything, … Continue reading God Is Waiting for You to Ask

God Is Closer Than You Think or Feel

God is not as far away as the furthest star. He’s as close as your next heartbeat. He’s right there with you every moment. The Bible says in Acts 17:27, “God did this so that … Continue reading God Is Closer Than You Think or Feel

You Need a New Soundtrack

People really don’t forget anything. Stored somewhere in your mind, you’ll find the date of your anniversary, the score of the Super Bowl when you were 10, and the day your child lost his first … Continue reading You Need a New Soundtrack

Not Trusting God Leads to Stress

Everyone trusts something. The question is, in what—or in whom—do you place your trust? Our society tends to spurn trust—or at least we say we do. We’re skeptical of everyone and everything. We don’t trust … Continue reading Not Trusting God Leads to Stress

What You Believe Shapes Your Life

What we believe about the world around us shapes everything about our lives. Why? Because what you believe determines your behavior. Your behavior then determines what you become, and that has a direct effect on … Continue reading What You Believe Shapes Your Life

When You Feel Hopeless, Pray Specifically

When you’re feeling hopeless, you need to figure out where that feeling is coming from—and then you can begin to pray specifically for what you need. That’s how God wants you to talk with him. … Continue reading When You Feel Hopeless, Pray Specifically

Why the Forgiven Don’t Have to Fear

Fear is nothing new. It’s been with us from the very beginning! Adam’s first recorded words in the Garden of Eden were, “I was afraid, and I hid.” Humans have been living in fear of … Continue reading Why the Forgiven Don’t Have to Fear

Resurrection Truths That Will Shatter Fear

The Bible is full of commands. But do you know what the most common one is? Don’t be afraid. You’ll find it 365 times in Scripture—including several times in the Easter story. “Don’t be afraid” … Continue reading Resurrection Truths That Will Shatter Fear

Start Believing Your Beliefs

As a follower of Jesus, you have fiery darts coming at you all the time. Satan implants the following thoughts into your mind: Doubt. You start asking yourself, “Did God really say that? Can I … Continue reading Start Believing Your Beliefs

Does the Outside Match What’s Inside?

Integrity matters. The Bible says we’re in a war “against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world” (Ephesians 6:12 NIV). And we can’t battle those spiritual forces that threaten to … Continue reading Does the Outside Match What’s Inside?