Daily Hope Devotionals - Trust

When You Make Idols, You End Up Like Them

I mentioned in yesterday’s devotional that everyone trusts in something. We can even make good things—like our families, our abilities, or even our ministries in the church—into idols. But trusting in things other than God … Continue reading When You Make Idols, You End Up Like Them

Not Trusting God Leads to Stress

Everyone trusts something. The question is, in what—or in whom—do you place your trust? Our society tends to spurn trust—or at least we say we do. We’re skeptical of everyone and everything. We don’t trust … Continue reading Not Trusting God Leads to Stress

Responsible People Make the Most of Life

You and I have a variety of great abilities. For some of us it’s the ability to do math; for others it’s the ability to fix computers or to sew. We all have abilities—even if … Continue reading Responsible People Make the Most of Life

What You Believe Shapes Your Life

What we believe about the world around us shapes everything about our lives. Why? Because what you believe determines your behavior. Your behavior then determines what you become, and that has a direct effect on … Continue reading What You Believe Shapes Your Life

Even Your Weaknesses Bring Glory to God

Spiritual gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, Experiences—these are the five things that make you, you. I call them your SHAPE. Accepting your SHAPE —the unique way God made you that brings glory to him—means you believe … Continue reading Even Your Weaknesses Bring Glory to God

God Is Always on Time

In the waiting room of life, you can choose to panic. That’s our natural response! We tend to focus on what’s going on around us. We let our circumstances convince us that there is no … Continue reading God Is Always on Time

The Unseen Battle Over Your Prayers

There is an unseen battle going on in a realm that we don’t even understand, a spiritual war in other dimensions between good and evil, between God and Satan, between angels and demons—and you’re caught … Continue reading The Unseen Battle Over Your Prayers

Five Things to Do While You Wait

Do you ever feel like you’re waiting on God? Maybe you can’t relate to the Israelites, who wandered in the desert for 40 years while they were waiting on God to deliver them. But you … Continue reading Five Things to Do While You Wait

Small Lessons Lead to Big Successes

Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and across the wilderness to the Promised Land. It should have only taken them a few weeks, even with a large crowd. But it took them 40 years. … Continue reading Small Lessons Lead to Big Successes

Let God Tell You What to Give

When you become a person of faith, you learn to give according to what God tells you to give. You don’t limit what you give by deciding, “This is what I think I can reasonably … Continue reading Let God Tell You What to Give