Daily Hope Devotionals - Transformed

God’s Spirit Is Working in You

It’s the Holy Spirit’s job to produce Christlike character in you. The Bible says, “The Lord . . . makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image” (2 … Continue reading God’s Spirit Is Working in You

God’s Goal: Your Character, Not Your Comfort

Many religions and philosophies promote the old lie that humans are divine or can become gods. Let me be absolutely clear: You will never become God or even a god. That prideful lie is Satan’s … Continue reading God’s Goal: Your Character, Not Your Comfort

God Shaped You for Work

In architecture, form follows function. Tell me what you want to use the building for, and I’ll tell you how to build it. But in human beings, it’s the exact opposite. Function follows form. Figure … Continue reading God Shaped You for Work

You Can’t Change by Accident

Change requires making choices. It’s not enough to dream of changing. It’s not enough to desire change. In order for you to change, you will need to make a decision. You must choose to change. … Continue reading You Can’t Change by Accident

The Truth About Shadows

One of the common sources of stress is loss. You can lose your job, your health, your money, your reputation, or a loved one. And the coronavirus pandemic is most likely amplifying the stress. When … Continue reading The Truth About Shadows

Love Can Change the Unchangeable

If you want lasting change in your life, you must fill your life with love. Love is the only thing that can change the unchangeable. Love invigorates. Love revitalizes. Love renews. Love refreshes. Love is … Continue reading Love Can Change the Unchangeable

You Will Not Change without Community

You will not make all the changes you need to make, want to make, would love to make, plan to make, or dream to make by yourself. If you could, you would. But you can’t, … Continue reading You Will Not Change without Community

You Don’t Have It All Together, and That’s Okay

The first and greatest barrier to change in any area of your life is pride. The fact is, nobody has it all together. I don’t have it all together. You don’t have it all together. … Continue reading You Don’t Have It All Together, and That’s Okay

Take Off the Old Before You Put On the New

If you want to experience lasting change in your life, you have to start with your body, and that includes changing the way you think so that what you let into your mind and the … Continue reading Take Off the Old Before You Put On the New

Staying Fit Is a Way to Worship

For change to happen in any area of your life—whether it’s financial, vocational, educational, mental, or relational—you have to begin with the physical. Why? Because your body affects your behavior. Your muscles affect your moods … Continue reading Staying Fit Is a Way to Worship