Daily Hope Devotionals - The Light of Jesus for Your Darkest Days

Grow in the Light of God’s Word

As a vegetable gardener, I can tell you that the more hours of light you have, the bigger your crops will grow. For more than 30 years, I’ve used a special light bulb for gardening … Continue reading Grow in the Light of God’s Word

The Only Way to Get a Fresh Start

Several years ago, New York City officials built a water disinfection facility using ultraviolet light to destroy germs and disinfect the city’s drinking water, which is funneled in from about 100 miles away. Instead of … Continue reading The Only Way to Get a Fresh Start

Jesus Came to Light Up Your Life

Why does God talk so much about light in the Bible? Because God is light. When he is Savior and Lord of your life, the light of his love gives you hope in the dark … Continue reading Jesus Came to Light Up Your Life

You’ll Find God’s Light in God’s Word

On dark days, you need the light of Jesus. On days when you can’t see the way forward, when you’re confused or undecided, when you don’t know what’s best, when you can’t figure out what … Continue reading You’ll Find God’s Light in God’s Word