Daily Hope Devotionals - Small Group

Why We Need Each Other

Your abilities are for the benefit of other people. The Bible says in 1 Peter 4:10, “Each of you as a good manager must use the gift that God has given you to serve others” … Continue reading Why We Need Each Other

Four Ways to Use Your Spiritual Gifts

God has given spiritual gifts to every single follower of Jesus. How do you start using the spiritual gifts God put inside of you? Here are four ways to get started: 1. Discover your gifts. … Continue reading Four Ways to Use Your Spiritual Gifts

Let’s Get Real With Each Other

To change the defects in your life, you’ve got to have people in your life who tell you the truth. You’re not going to get well on your own. You’re going to need support. You’re … Continue reading Let’s Get Real With Each Other

You Need the Support of a Small Group

If I were to ask you to complete this sentence, “If you want a job done right . . .” you would probably finish it with this: “. . . do it yourself.” But that’s … Continue reading You Need the Support of a Small Group

Believe in Others Like Jesus Believes in You

Jesus believes in you. There is plenty of proof in the Bible! Take a look at these verses: “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move … Continue reading Believe in Others Like Jesus Believes in You

Why You Need Others During Tough Times

When we experience setbacks, our most common response is our worst response: We want to withdraw, to build a wall around ourselves, to push people away. But that’s the last thing we should do. When … Continue reading Why You Need Others During Tough Times

Suffering Can Deepen Your Fellowship

If you allow it to, pain will deepen and mature your love for God and others because suffering helps you become sensitive to the suffering around you. Pain can turn the most self-centered people into … Continue reading Suffering Can Deepen Your Fellowship

How God Helps You in Your Grief

Everyone will experience loss. And you don’t just “get over” a loss. You can’t go under it; you can’t go around it. You’ve got to go through the grief. If you’re scared to express emotion … Continue reading How God Helps You in Your Grief

When Work Gets Overwhelming

Everyone experiences problems at work. But sometimes those problems keep growing to the point that they become overwhelming, and you feel like they’re about to swallow you up. What do you do then? You do … Continue reading When Work Gets Overwhelming

Faithful Friendships Help You Grow

Real change requires honest community. There are some things that you will never be able to change on your own. You’re going to need people in your life for support—specifically, a small group of people … Continue reading Faithful Friendships Help You Grow