Daily Hope Devotionals - Set Free

A Fresh Start After Sexual Sin

God’s standards never change: Premarital sex is unacceptable. It always has been. It always will be. Living together without getting married is unacceptable to God. It always has been. It always will be. Adultery—being unfaithful … Continue reading A Fresh Start After Sexual Sin

What It Means to Be Free

When people think about freedom, they often think about political or religious freedoms. But there is a freedom that goes far deeper: your spiritual freedom. Most people aren’t living spiritually free lives. They’re all bound … Continue reading What It Means to Be Free

What’s Your Emergency Plan for Temptation?

Do you have an emergency plan for getting away when you’re tempted? Do you have preventative strategies to help you stay away from your biggest temptations? If you don’t have those things, you need them … Continue reading What’s Your Emergency Plan for Temptation?

Why You Shouldn’t Fear Death

Everyone fears death. But, as we prepare to celebrate Easter, it’s important to remember that what Jesus did on the cross put an end to that fear. In Romans 5:17 Paul writes, “For the sin … Continue reading Why You Shouldn’t Fear Death

Your Debt Is Paid

All of us are in debt to someone. You may not be financially in debt, but you’ve offended, hurt, or sinned against someone. All of us have. But you have an even bigger debt. The … Continue reading Your Debt Is Paid

How to Live Free from Satan’s Power

Satan loves to manipulate people. He does it all the time. Temptation and condemnation are Satan’s two favorite methods to do so. First, he tempts us by minimizing sin before we do it. He’ll whisper … Continue reading How to Live Free from Satan’s Power

Why Do You Do What You Don’t Want to Do?

Have you ever wondered why you do what you don’t want to do? Ever wondered why it’s so hard to do the things that you know are the right things to do? Our sinful nature … Continue reading Why Do You Do What You Don’t Want to Do?

Living in Freedom Makes You Confident Even in Death

When people don’t want to talk about death, it’s usually because they’re afraid of it, because they’re uncertain about what’s beyond death. And that fear comes from being uncertain of their relationship with God. But … Continue reading Living in Freedom Makes You Confident Even in Death

You’re Free to Be Yourself

Think about your typical week. How many times do you get caught up in feeling pressured by other people—by their lifestyles, their needs, the things they’re doing, or what they expect of you? If you’re … Continue reading You’re Free to Be Yourself

Your Greatest Dream Is Still Possible

You’re capable of far more than you understand right now. You just need someone to believe in you. I have good news for you: Someone already does. When someone believes in you unconditionally, as God … Continue reading Your Greatest Dream Is Still Possible