Daily Hope Devotionals - Psalm 56

God of Love, God of Justice

Life is not fair. God never said it would be! Life is unfair because there is sin in the world. Jesus came to make things right, and, one day, they will be. But, right now, … Continue reading God of Love, God of Justice

God of Love, God of Justice

Life is not fair. God never said it would be! Life is unfair because there is sin in the world. Jesus came to make things right, and, one day, they will be. But, right now, … Continue reading God of Love, God of Justice

When You’re Bullied, Remember Who You Are

What is your identity? If you are a Christian, then you are a son or daughter of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You are a part of God’s family. You were created … Continue reading When You’re Bullied, Remember Who You Are