Daily Hope Devotionals - Psalm 103

You Need a New Soundtrack

People really don’t forget anything. Stored somewhere in your mind, you’ll find the date of your anniversary, the score of the Super Bowl when you were 10, and the day your child lost his first … Continue reading You Need a New Soundtrack

God Loves You Anyway

Your failures don’t surprise God. He expects them. He knows what we’re made of—because he created us! The Bible says, “[God] knows what we are made of; he remembers that we are dust” (Psalm 103:14 … Continue reading God Loves You Anyway

What Does It Mean to Lament?

Lament is not a word that we use much today—but it’s a practice that is essential to your emotional and spiritual health. What is lament? A lament is a passionate expression of grief to God. … Continue reading What Does It Mean to Lament?

In Your Delay, Remember God’s Faithfulness

When our dreams are delayed, we tend to forget things. We forget what God has done in our lives and his goodness in the past. We forget that God is with us. We forget God’s … Continue reading In Your Delay, Remember God’s Faithfulness

You Can Relax in God’s Amazing Grace

Your failures don’t surprise God. In fact, he expects them! The Bible says, “[God] knows what we are made of; he remembers that we are dust” (Psalm 103:14 GNT). He knows what you’re made of … Continue reading You Can Relax in God’s Amazing Grace

God Is Aware, and He Cares

God is a caring, loving, compassionate Father. He loves you more than you could ever comprehend. God is love, and he made you to love you. He is loving toward you in everything that he … Continue reading God Is Aware, and He Cares

God Forgives Because He’s Good

God always gives you what you need, not what you deserve. “He does not punish us as we deserve or repay us according to our sins and wrongs. As far as the east is from … Continue reading God Forgives Because He’s Good

Talk to God About Your Interests

God loves for you to talk to him about anything. Whatever you’re interested in, God is interested in it too. He wants you to talk to him about your interests for three reasons. God loves … Continue reading Talk to God About Your Interests

Why Doesn’t God Reject Sinners?

The Bible says there is no condemnation for our sin once we place our faith in Jesus. But it does not say there are no consequences. Every time you disobey God, you hurt yourself and … Continue reading Why Doesn’t God Reject Sinners?

Living Guilt Free

God gives us what we need, not what we deserve. We deserve judgment for our sins because we are guilty for doing bad things, but Jesus took the punishment we deserve. He has removed them … Continue reading Living Guilt Free