Daily Hope Devotionals - Proverbs 23

Let God Guide Your Choices

If you wait for the perfect wife or the perfect husband, you’ll never find them. Let me tell you why: No one is perfect. We’re all broken. And that’s okay. God loves you, despite your … Continue reading Let God Guide Your Choices

Changing Starts With Choosing

Are you looking for a fresh start? I don’t mean moving to a new town. I’m talking about a reset in any area of your life that is stuck. You will go through many resets … Continue reading Changing Starts With Choosing

Not Everything You Hear Is True

If you spend any time on your phone or watching TV these days, you’re going to get a lot of information from a lot of different sources. It’s important, now more than ever, to remember … Continue reading Not Everything You Hear Is True

Financial Blessing Requires Careful Planning

If you want to be financially strong, you need to start writing down what you spend until you know where all your money is going. This is the principle of accounting. You’ve got to keep … Continue reading Financial Blessing Requires Careful Planning

Let God Guide Your Choices

If you wait for the perfect wife or the perfect husband, you’ll never find them. Let me tell you why: No one is perfect. We’re all broken. And that’s okay. God loves you, despite your … Continue reading Let God Guide Your Choices

A Journey of Lifelong Learning Starts with a Choice

Your journey of lifelong learning starts with a choice. It’s a choice only you can make. It’s an incredibly important decision that’ll impact your entire life. The Bible says, “Commit yourself to instruction; listen carefully … Continue reading A Journey of Lifelong Learning Starts with a Choice

How to Tackle the Impossible

Has someone ever asked you to do something you thought was impossible? Maybe a friend, boss, or parent came to you and wanted you to do something that seemed too big for you. You may … Continue reading How to Tackle the Impossible

Use Your Money to Grow Your Character

We like to spend money on comfort, but the Bible teaches that it is wiser to invest in character. God wants us to take some of our money and invest it in ourselves — in … Continue reading Use Your Money to Grow Your Character