Daily Hope Devotionals - Proverbs 2

What You Believe Shapes Your Life

What we believe about the world around us shapes everything about our lives. Why? Because what you believe determines your behavior. Your behavior then determines what you become, and that has a direct effect on … Continue reading What You Believe Shapes Your Life

Three Steps to Take Before a Major Decision at Work

Are you facing a tough decision about what to do in your job or career? Fortunately, the wealthiest businessman who ever lived also wrote two books of the Bible—Proverbs and Ecclesiastes—and spread his wisdom about … Continue reading Three Steps to Take Before a Major Decision at Work

Good Decisions Always Line-up With God’s Word

Every day, we make one decision after another, and it can be hard to know how to make those decisions. But here’s a simple principle: If you want to make good decisions, listen to God. … Continue reading Good Decisions Always Line-up With God’s Word

How to Stay Hungry for God

Are you hungry for God? It’s possible to maintain a spiritual hunger for God for the rest of your life. Here are five ways to sustain a spiritual appetite. 1. Remind yourself how much God … Continue reading How to Stay Hungry for God

Feed Your Mind with Truth

If you want to become wise, the first thing you have to do is feed yourself with God’s Word every day. Proverbs 2:6 says, “It is the Lord who gives wisdom; from him come knowledge … Continue reading Feed Your Mind with Truth

Jesus Offers Hope for Bad Decisions

For the last several days you’ve seen six different tests you can use when making decisions. Today I have them all listed here together. As you read over the tests again, reflect on your own … Continue reading Jesus Offers Hope for Bad Decisions

Make Your Decisions Using the Light of God’s Word

There’s no doubt about it. Today we’re faced with more decisions than ever before. We live in a multiple-choice culture. And decisions are significant. Sometimes even little decisions are like the hinges that let a … Continue reading Make Your Decisions Using the Light of God’s Word

To Hear God, Get Near God

You say, “I want to trust God, but I don’t hear him.” You don’t hear God when your mind is filled with a thousand other distractions. To hear God, you’ve got to get near God. … Continue reading To Hear God, Get Near God

You Can Know Truth By Looking at God

Like I mentioned yesterday, three philosophies — individualism, secularism, and relativism —  have devastated our society’s moral thermometer over the past few decades. The consequences have been dramatic on society in general and on each … Continue reading You Can Know Truth By Looking at God