Daily Hope Devotionals - Proverbs 11

You Reap More Than You Sow

If a farmer goes out with a trailer load of beans and plants them in a barren field, what fruit does he expect to bear? Watermelon? Cucumbers? No, he’s going to get beans. He doesn’t … Continue reading You Reap More Than You Sow

Four Ways to Live a Healthier Life

Some people tend to think of their body as completely separate from their spirit. But the truth is, there is a direct connection between your spiritual health and your physical health. In fact, the Bible … Continue reading Four Ways to Live a Healthier Life

Five Steps to Wise Decision Making

For the rest of your life, you’ll try to determine the right timing for many decisions you have to make. It may be deciding about an educational change, a career change, or a change in … Continue reading Five Steps to Wise Decision Making

Why Share the Hope of Jesus?

God has called you to be a witness for him in the world. He expects you to tell others about the hope you have in Jesus. But many people are what I call “arctic river … Continue reading Why Share the Hope of Jesus?

Confidence at Being Christ’s Ambassador

Your job in God’s family is to invite others to join the family. In fact, you are an ambassador of Christ. That means that, everywhere you go, you represent Jesus. The Bible says, “We are … Continue reading Confidence at Being Christ’s Ambassador

Walk in Community with Other Believers

You can’t become all God wants you to be without other people in your life. In fact, the very first thing God said to humans was this: “It is not good that man should be … Continue reading Walk in Community with Other Believers

How God Uses Your Money to Test You

One way God tests you is with money. If he can trust you with material possessions, then he can trust you with true riches in heaven. There are several things God tests through your money: … Continue reading How God Uses Your Money to Test You

Godly Goals Give You Hope to Endure

Yesterday we talked about three reasons you need to set goals. Today we’re going to talk about three more reasons why goal setting is so important that even Jesus set goals for himself. Set goals … Continue reading Godly Goals Give You Hope to Endure

Meekness Does Not Equal Weakness

If you want to make healthy choices—to be well and whole again—you have to learn to be meek. Matthew 5:5 says, “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth” (NIV). The Bible lists … Continue reading Meekness Does Not Equal Weakness

Let God Guide Your Choices

If you wait for the perfect wife or the perfect husband, you’ll never find them. Let me tell you why: No one is perfect. We’re all broken. And that’s okay. God loves you, despite your … Continue reading Let God Guide Your Choices