Daily Hope Devotionals - Philippians 3

What’s Influencing Your Worldview?

To live with uncommon courage and stand up for Christ, you have to clarify your worldview—the filter through which you see and understand the world. Yesterday we looked at what it means to develop a … Continue reading What’s Influencing Your Worldview?

Is Christianity Worth It?

The Apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15:19, “If our hope in Christ is good for this life only and no more, then we [Christians] deserve more pity than anyone else in all the world” … Continue reading Is Christianity Worth It?

Obey God Always, No Matter What

Life is a marathon, not a 50-yard dash. And God wants you to commit to obeying him like a long-distance runner commits to a marathon. He wants you to be in it for the whole … Continue reading Obey God Always, No Matter What

Knowing Your True Identity Guides Your Priorities

For the last couple of days we’ve talked about two things: First, knowing God helps you know your true identity. And second, knowing your true identity helps you define your responsibilities. Today we’re going to … Continue reading Knowing Your True Identity Guides Your Priorities

How You Give Reveals Your Heart

Every time you give, you reveal what matters to you. Tell me how you spend your money and your time, and I’ll tell you what matters most to you. Your schedule might reveal that your … Continue reading How You Give Reveals Your Heart

Happiness and Humility Go Together

When Paul wrote this Scripture, he was an older man in prison in Rome. He was at the end of his life. He was an incredibly mature person. Yet he said he hadn’t arrived. If … Continue reading Happiness and Humility Go Together

Become “Deeply and Intimately Acquainted” with God

Happiness is found in getting to know God a little bit better every day. In Philippians 3:10, Paul said, “For my determined purpose is that I may . . . progressively become more deeply and … Continue reading Become “Deeply and Intimately Acquainted” with God

Know What Counts—and What Doesn’t

Have you noticed how easily you can lose your joy over some little thing? It’s usually the small irritations that cause you to lose your happiness. Somebody cuts you off in the middle of the … Continue reading Know What Counts—and What Doesn’t

Remind Yourself of God’s Grace, and Relax In It

Legalism will rob you of happiness. It’s the attitude that you have to prove your love to God, which means you have to make sure you do everything exactly right. It’s thinking you have to … Continue reading Remind Yourself of God’s Grace, and Relax In It

God’s Reward for Fulfilling Your Calling

When you live out God’s call on your life, he’ll reward you. And here’s the best part about that reward: It’ll last forever. The Bible says, “I press on toward the goal to win the … Continue reading God’s Reward for Fulfilling Your Calling