Daily Hope Devotionals - Obedience

What Should You Do on the Sabbath?

We each must consciously decide to make time for things other than work. If we don’t, we’ll never rest. We’ll quickly burn out! It’s like a bow and arrow. When a bow is constantly strung … Continue reading What Should You Do on the Sabbath?

Your Generosity Grows Your Influence

Generosity expands your influence. The more generous you become, the more influential you will become. Influence comes not from what you get in life. Influence comes from what you give away in life, and the … Continue reading Your Generosity Grows Your Influence

Grow, Sow, and Go in Faith

God wants you to focus on growing, sowing, and going in faith. First, God wants you to grow in faith. He doesn’t want you to be a spiritual baby. The Bible says in Colossians 2:7: … Continue reading Grow, Sow, and Go in Faith

Take a Step of Faith in Spite of Your Fear

We all have fears. Too often, though, we let them rule over our lives; we let them stop us from taking a stand for what we know God wants us to do. Like Daniel standing … Continue reading Take a Step of Faith in Spite of Your Fear

When Your Plans and God’s Plans Don’t Match

Life is full of interruptions. Sometimes we have big plans—for a career, family, or ministry—but God takes our lives in a different direction. When our plans and God’s plans don’t match up, we often try … Continue reading When Your Plans and God’s Plans Don’t Match

New Day, New Opportunity to Fulfill Your Mission

God only uses imperfect, broken people. If God only used perfect people, nothing would get done because perfect people don’t exist! If you’re willing to be used by God, he will use you. No matter … Continue reading New Day, New Opportunity to Fulfill Your Mission

We Have a Biblical Responsibility to Warn Others

When God sent Jonah to Nineveh, his mission was to warn the people about the severe consequences for their disobedience. God wanted them to know that his judgment was near, but that they still had … Continue reading We Have a Biblical Responsibility to Warn Others

Fulfilling God’s Mission Will Take a Step of Faith

When God first gave Jonah his mission, it required a huge step of faith. In fact, the step was so big that Jonah initially ran from it. At the time, Nineveh was the biggest and … Continue reading Fulfilling God’s Mission Will Take a Step of Faith

What Happens When You Run from God

God gives every one of us a unique mission—and he gives us a choice as to whether or not we fulfill that mission. God gave Jonah a mission: to warn the people of Nineveh that … Continue reading What Happens When You Run from God

Does the Outside Match What’s Inside?

Integrity matters. The Bible says we’re in a war “against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world” (Ephesians 6:12 NIV). And we can’t battle those spiritual forces that threaten to … Continue reading Does the Outside Match What’s Inside?