Daily Hope Devotionals - Money

Don’t Confuse Your Work and Your Worth

We can come up with many excuses for overworking. Sometimes we blame it on needing to provide for our family. Other times we insist our work is so important that to slow down would be … Continue reading Don’t Confuse Your Work and Your Worth

When You Make Idols, You End Up Like Them

I mentioned in yesterday’s devotional that everyone trusts in something. We can even make good things—like our families, our abilities, or even our ministries in the church—into idols. But trusting in things other than God … Continue reading When You Make Idols, You End Up Like Them

Make a Plan to Manage Your Money

As a pastor for 42 years, I spoke with many couples who struggled in their marriage and were even going through a separation. And I can tell you that the number one reason couples get … Continue reading Make a Plan to Manage Your Money

Your Generosity Grows Your Influence

Generosity expands your influence. The more generous you become, the more influential you will become. Influence comes not from what you get in life. Influence comes from what you give away in life, and the … Continue reading Your Generosity Grows Your Influence

Be a Missionary in Your Workplace

No matter what you do for a living, you can use your workplace to further God’s Kingdom by using your business contacts to spread the Gospel and bring glory to God. I once got a … Continue reading Be a Missionary in Your Workplace

The Work That Makes You Happiest Is for God’s Kingdom

Meaning matters more than money. When you get to heaven, God isn’t going to ask you, “How much money did you make?” He’s going to ask, “Did you make your life count? Did you express … Continue reading The Work That Makes You Happiest Is for God’s Kingdom

Store Up Your Treasure by Giving It Away

Your generous giving is a premise to one of God’s generous promises. He promises that when you give, you’re not really losing anything. God is actually storing it up in heaven. “Tell them to use … Continue reading Store Up Your Treasure by Giving It Away

The Best Investment You’ll Ever Make

Generosity is an investment. Luke 16:9 says, “Use your worldly resources to benefit others” (NLT). I’ve said many times that you can’t take it with you. Did you know that mortuaries sell burial suits? They’re … Continue reading The Best Investment You’ll Ever Make

Your Heart Goes Where You Give

When we’re generous with each other, we draw closer to each other, and that creates community. Someone from my church sent me a letter that read: “My neighbor asked if he could borrow my ladder, … Continue reading Your Heart Goes Where You Give

Which Will You Serve: God or Money?

Would you agree that we live in a culture of materialism? The goal is to get more and more and more. And just about the time you catch up with the Joneses, they refinance or … Continue reading Which Will You Serve: God or Money?