Daily Hope Devotionals - Matthew 6

God Is a Caring Father

At one time or another, you’ve probably been in a situation where you’ve asked, “Doesn’t God care?” The disciples asked this very question in Mark 4. They were out in a boat on the lake … Continue reading God Is a Caring Father

God Is a Capable Father

God can handle any situation you give him. No problem is too tough for him. Nothing is beyond his ability. But the first thing you’ve got to do is bring it to him. What decision … Continue reading God Is a Capable Father

The Key to a Balanced Life: Jesus

If you want to live a truly balanced life, you can only look at one person in all of history as your model: Jesus. When you put him at the center of your life, your … Continue reading The Key to a Balanced Life: Jesus

Why You Should Always Choose Forgiveness

If you are unwilling to forgive someone and you don’t want God to forgive them either, that reveals bitterness and resentment in your life. If you want someone else to be punished but you expect … Continue reading Why You Should Always Choose Forgiveness

Be a Missionary in Your Workplace

No matter what you do for a living, you can use your workplace to further God’s Kingdom by using your business contacts to spread the Gospel and bring glory to God. I once got a … Continue reading Be a Missionary in Your Workplace

Ready, Set—Wait

When life seems to be falling apart, your best and most “spiritual” response may surprise you: Get alone with God, and wait. The Bible tells us in Lamentations 3:28, “When life is heavy and hard … Continue reading Ready, Set—Wait

Why You Pray Is More Important Than What You Pray For

God wants to bless your life and then watch you bless other people’s lives with the same benefits he gives to you. In fact, one condition for answered prayer is a willingness to use God’s … Continue reading Why You Pray Is More Important Than What You Pray For

Your Heart Goes Where You Give

When we’re generous with each other, we draw closer to each other, and that creates community. Someone from my church sent me a letter that read: “My neighbor asked if he could borrow my ladder, … Continue reading Your Heart Goes Where You Give

Which Will You Serve: God or Money?

Would you agree that we live in a culture of materialism? The goal is to get more and more and more. And just about the time you catch up with the Joneses, they refinance or … Continue reading Which Will You Serve: God or Money?

How to Stay Hungry for God

Are you hungry for God? It’s possible to maintain a spiritual hunger for God for the rest of your life. Here are five ways to sustain a spiritual appetite. 1. Remind yourself how much God … Continue reading How to Stay Hungry for God