Daily Hope Devotionals - Matthew 28

Is It Your Dream or God’s Dream?

How do you know if you are living for your dream or God’s dream? You may think you were created to get up, go to work, come home, watch TV, and go to bed, to … Continue reading Is It Your Dream or God’s Dream?

Fulfilling God’s Mission Will Take a Step of Faith

When God first gave Jonah his mission, it required a huge step of faith. In fact, the step was so big that Jonah initially ran from it. At the time, Nineveh was the biggest and … Continue reading Fulfilling God’s Mission Will Take a Step of Faith

The Great Commission: Let’s Finish the Task!

Jesus didn’t just come back to life and then go straight to heaven. After the resurrection, he spent 40 days traveling in Jerusalem and talking to people—one time to a group of 500 people! Because … Continue reading The Great Commission: Let’s Finish the Task!

Behold Emmanuel, God With Us

If Jesus had not come back to life, then nobody in the world would be celebrating Christmas. Why? Because Jesus would’ve been a liar and a fake. Jesus claimed to be God, which a lot … Continue reading Behold Emmanuel, God With Us

The First Easter Changed Everything

This Easter, hundreds of millions of people will wake up before daylight and attend an Easter sunrise service. In fact, Easter is the only holiday we celebrate at the break of dawn. Why do we … Continue reading The First Easter Changed Everything

The First and Last Words of Jesus

One thing is made very clear in Scripture: God wants you to tell people the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ. In fact, some of the first and last recorded words of Jesus were … Continue reading The First and Last Words of Jesus

Why Share the Hope of Jesus?

God has called you to be a witness for him in the world. He expects you to tell others about the hope you have in Jesus. But many people are what I call “arctic river … Continue reading Why Share the Hope of Jesus?

God Wants You to Do, Not Just to Hear

God wants you to focus on doing what he tells you to do, not on just hearing what he tells you to do. He calls you to be an active follower of Jesus, not just … Continue reading God Wants You to Do, Not Just to Hear

The Great Commission Is Not a Suggestion

The whole world needs Jesus. Jesus said this very clearly over and over, and in Matthew 28:18-20 he gave his followers the Great Commission: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to … Continue reading The Great Commission Is Not a Suggestion

God Walks Through the Fire with You

There’s an expression that some people use when the pressure gets tight and the deadlines are close. They say, “The heat is on.” No one likes that feeling. The Prophet Daniel had three friends who … Continue reading God Walks Through the Fire with You