Daily Hope Devotionals - Matthew 11

Exchange Your Restlessness for God’s Peace

Did you know that sheep don’t like to lie down? And people are just like them! But if you don’t choose to slow down, God will make you lie down. Living life God’s way means … Continue reading Exchange Your Restlessness for God’s Peace

How to Find Rest at Christmas

It’s called the most wonderful time of the year. But for many people, it doesn’t feel that way. Maybe instead of wonder, you’ve found worry this Christmas season. Instead of experiencing peace on Earth, you’re … Continue reading How to Find Rest at Christmas

Jesus Wants to Share Your Burden

I don’t know what burden you’re carrying. I don’t know what’s weighing you down. But I do know the answer to your trouble. Jesus said, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, … Continue reading Jesus Wants to Share Your Burden

God’s Promises for the Humble

Humility is not thinking less of yourself. You can be confident and humble at the same time! Humility is thinking of yourself less. When you stay focused on God and helping other people, you naturally … Continue reading God’s Promises for the Humble

Jesus Teaches How to Be Gentle

Learning to be gentle is so important for a follower of Christ. Gentleness defuses conflict. It disarms critics. It’s persuasive. It’s attractive. It communicates love. Most importantly, gentleness makes you more like Jesus. Matthew 11:28-29 … Continue reading Jesus Teaches How to Be Gentle

Five Ways to Relax in God’s Grace

How do you learn to “R.E.L.A.X.” in the liberating grace of God? R—Realize nobody’s perfect. Psalm 119:96 is a verse directed toward God, and it declares, “Nothing is perfect except your words” (TLB). What society … Continue reading Five Ways to Relax in God’s Grace

Are You Teachable or Unteachable?

Jesus wants us to be like little children because we need to remain teachable so we can mature and understand God’s plans. Children are eager to learn. They’re not defensive. They don’t say, “I don’t … Continue reading Are You Teachable or Unteachable?

Learn How to Be Gentle by Walking with Jesus

Gentleness is an important quality to practice. It defuses conflict. It disarms critics. It’s persuasive. It’s attractive. It communicates love. Most importantly, gentleness makes you more like Jesus. In Matthew 11:28-29, he says, “Come to … Continue reading Learn How to Be Gentle by Walking with Jesus

Jesus Wants to Bear Your Burden with You

I don’t know what burden you’re carrying. I don’t know what’s weighing you down. But I do know the answer to your trouble. Jesus says, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, … Continue reading Jesus Wants to Bear Your Burden with You