Daily Hope Devotionals - Marriage

Marriage Is Meant for Connection

Marriage doesn’t solve your problems. Marriage does not create your problems. Marriage reveals your problems. It simply magnifies what was already a problem when you were living as a single adult. So if marriage doesn’t … Continue reading Marriage Is Meant for Connection

5 Ways Couples Can Grow Spiritually Together

You can do many different things to keep your marriage growing. You can show affection, act unselfishly, and forgive each other. But by far the most important decision you and your spouse can make in … Continue reading 5 Ways Couples Can Grow Spiritually Together

Be Your Spouse’s Biggest Fan

If you’re married, God has given you an incredibly important role: to be your spouse’s biggest fan. It’s a job only you can do in the way God desires—and your spouse desperately needs you to … Continue reading Be Your Spouse’s Biggest Fan

How to Rekindle Love

At first glance you may not think the book of Revelation—with its images of beasts, lambs, and angels—has anything to do with romance and the kind of affection needed to sustain a growing marriage. But … Continue reading How to Rekindle Love

The Adjustments That Make Marriage Work

Every marriage—and, really, every relationship—offers many opportunities for adjustments. Your life together will change. Your kids will grow up. You’ll change jobs. You’ll move. You’ll get sick. Life will force you to make adjustments. And … Continue reading The Adjustments That Make Marriage Work

Paying Attention Fans the Flame of Romance

Good marriages don’t just happen. Marriages are what you make them. If you put in the effort, you can learn the skills and wisdom to build a great relationship, regardless of what your marriage has … Continue reading Paying Attention Fans the Flame of Romance

Remember the Best and Forget the Rest

What do you choose to remember about the time you’ve spent with people? Do you remember the good experiences or the bad experiences? The apostle Paul chose to remember the good, to focus on the … Continue reading Remember the Best and Forget the Rest

Unpack Your Emotional Baggage Before Marriage

Before you start dating someone, it’s crucial that you make an honest assessment of your own emotional health and that of your potential partner. I remember marrying a couple many years ago at Saddleback. About … Continue reading Unpack Your Emotional Baggage Before Marriage

Let God Guide Your Choices

If you wait for the perfect wife or the perfect husband, you’ll never find them. Let me tell you why: No one is perfect. We’re all broken. And that’s okay. God loves you, despite your … Continue reading Let God Guide Your Choices

Choose Your Partner Carefully

If you’re supposed to choose your friends carefully, you should be even more careful about choosing your life partner. And notice that you do get to choose. God leads, guides, and gives you guidelines. But … Continue reading Choose Your Partner Carefully