Daily Hope Devotionals - Marriage

The Battle for Sexual Purity Starts in Your Mind

Every temptation starts in the mind. Proverbs 4:23 says, “Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life” (NCV). The battle for sexual purity is won or lost in your mind. Anytime you … Continue reading The Battle for Sexual Purity Starts in Your Mind

Sexual Purity Begins With a Commitment

Is it possible in the 21st century to live a sexually pure life? To refrain from sex before marriage and stay faithful during marriage? Yes! But it has to start with a commitment. The Bible … Continue reading Sexual Purity Begins With a Commitment

How Do You Treat People Who Serve You?

One of the greatest tests of your character is how you treat people who are trying to serve you. Whether it’s a waitress, a waiter, a clerk, an employee, a secretary, your children, or your … Continue reading How Do You Treat People Who Serve You?

Three Things to Avoid When You’re Angry

We all get angry from time to time. We may handle it differently, but none of us can escape the emotion entirely. But just because we get angry doesn’t mean we’re sinning. The Bible says, … Continue reading Three Things to Avoid When You’re Angry

Why We Need Each Other

Your abilities are for the benefit of other people. The Bible says in 1 Peter 4:10, “Each of you as a good manager must use the gift that God has given you to serve others” … Continue reading Why We Need Each Other

What Is Love?

Because love should be central to our lives, we need to be sure to understand what love really is. The Bible says love is a command. God commands that we love each other: “Love means … Continue reading What Is Love?

You Can’t Connect If You Don’t Commit

Good relationships don’t happen by accident. They take cultivation, work, and a lot of time. They take commitment! I can’t count the number of times my wife Kay and I have felt like walking out … Continue reading You Can’t Connect If You Don’t Commit

You Have to Let It Go

You’ve heard it before—and maybe experienced yourself—that opposites attract. When you’re single and see somebody that’s not like you, it’s fascinating. You find their characteristics and personality traits that are not like yours exciting and … Continue reading You Have to Let It Go

Show Your Love by Being Gentle

Gentleness diffuses conflict. It disarms critics. It’s persuasive. It’s attractive. And gentleness communicates love. If you’re married, the quickest way to improve your marriage is to start talking to your spouse more gently. It’ll do … Continue reading Show Your Love by Being Gentle

Strong Marriages Are Good for Everyone

Strong marriages are good for everyone. They benefit the individuals who are part of those relationships and can even help to strengthen whole societies. Throughout history, marriage has been the fundamental building block of every … Continue reading Strong Marriages Are Good for Everyone