Daily Hope Devotionals - Mark 10

God’s Promises to Those Who Give

To reap a great harvest, you must plant generously in faith. My wife Kay and I have done this hundreds and hundreds of times. We’ve raised our giving from 10 percent 40 years ago to … Continue reading God’s Promises to Those Who Give

Let Faith, Not Fear, Rule Your Heart

Don’t let your fears control you! Face your fears by putting your faith in God. Fear has an incredible ability to paralyze your potential—to keep you from launching out with faith. When we choose fear … Continue reading Let Faith, Not Fear, Rule Your Heart

Love Looks and Listens

Loving like Jesus means you must value others the way Jesus values you. You are a child of the king. God created you, and Christ gave his life for you. The Bible says in 1 … Continue reading Love Looks and Listens

Take the Next Step of Faith

I don’t know what step you need to take next, but I do know that you need to take it. Your next step may be to accept Jesus Christ into your life or to be … Continue reading Take the Next Step of Faith

Let Faith, Not Fear, Rule Your Heart

If you’re going to make a fresh start with faith in your life, you need to face your fears. Don’t let them control you! Fear has an incredible ability to paralyze our potential—to keep us … Continue reading Let Faith, Not Fear, Rule Your Heart

Don’t Put Off Your Fresh Start

In Mark 10, a huge crowd was following Jesus as he left Jericho. A man named Bartimaeus was blind and begging by the roadside. When Bartimaeus heard that Jesus was nearby, he began to shout, … Continue reading Don’t Put Off Your Fresh Start

Look at Others the Way God Looks at You

What’s in our hearts often determines what we feel when we look at people. When we see a crowd, we can easily get irritated or impatient. But when Jesus saw a crowd, “he had compassion … Continue reading Look at Others the Way God Looks at You

Marriage Is Meant for Connection

Marriage doesn’t solve your problems. Marriage does not create your problems. Marriage reveals your problems. It simply magnifies what was already a problem when you were living as a single adult. So if marriage doesn’t … Continue reading Marriage Is Meant for Connection

Five Reasons to Serve God

How do you serve God? By serving others. In the parable of the sheep and the goats, Jesus said, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you … Continue reading Five Reasons to Serve God

Take the Next Step of Faith

I don’t know what step you need to take next, but I do know that you need to take it. Your next step may be to accept Jesus Christ into your life or to be … Continue reading Take the Next Step of Faith