Daily Hope Devotionals - Loss

To Grow, Choose to Change

Change requires making choices. It’s not enough to dream of changing. It’s not enough to desire change. To change, you need to make a decision. You must choose to change. Change is intentional. Are you … Continue reading To Grow, Choose to Change

In a Season of Loss, Clarify Your Priorities

Losses and tragedies have a way of putting everything into perspective. They clarify your values and help you figure out some priorities. You realize, more than you ever did before, what matters most. People and … Continue reading In a Season of Loss, Clarify Your Priorities

In a Season of Loss, Release Your Grief

The Bible says when you go through a season of loss, the first thing to do is release your grief. Tragedy always produces strong emotions—anger, fear, depression, worry, and sometimes guilt. These feelings can scare … Continue reading In a Season of Loss, Release Your Grief

Move Forward by Faith, Not by Feelings

You need to plant by faith, not by your feelings. Do you think that every day a farmer wakes up excited to go to work on their farm? No. It’s hard work! But if a … Continue reading Move Forward by Faith, Not by Feelings

The Battle You Were Born to Win

You were born into a battle. You didn’t ask for it. But a cosmic battle that started before you were born and will continue long after you die is taking place all throughout the universe. … Continue reading The Battle You Were Born to Win

Let It All Out

We all go through a time when our lives seem to be falling apart. We lose our job. A relationship falls apart. Someone dies. Our health takes a turn for the worse. In those times, … Continue reading Let It All Out

Small Steps Are Still Important Steps

Imagine you went into work one day at a job where you’ve dedicated 10 years of your life, and suddenly they tell you, “You’re fired. Sorry!” You would be in shock! You would be paralyzed … Continue reading Small Steps Are Still Important Steps

In Your Grief, Take the First Step to Peace

When people receive bad news, their first response is usually disbelief. We reject the truth because it’s too shocking and painful. We don’t think it’s possible. We can’t accept that it’s real. We think, “It’s … Continue reading In Your Grief, Take the First Step to Peace

When Life Falls Apart, Be Honest With God

We all go through times when our lives seem to be falling apart. We lose our job. A relationship falls apart. Someone dies. Our health takes a turn for the worse. In those times, we’re … Continue reading When Life Falls Apart, Be Honest With God

Devastated, but Not Destroyed

You’re going to go through tough times and experience major losses in life. Why? Because there is no growth without change; there is no change without loss; there is no loss without pain; and there … Continue reading Devastated, but Not Destroyed