Daily Hope Devotionals - Lamentations 3

Obedience Is the Secret to Joy

Joy is an easy thing to lose, but it’s also an easy thing to get back. Have you lost your joy? First, you need to admit to yourself that you’ve lost it. And then you … Continue reading Obedience Is the Secret to Joy

There Is One Thing You Can Change

When your life feels like it’s falling apart, knowing what you can change—and what you can’t change—can make all the difference. You can’t change your past. You can’t change your parents. You can’t change the … Continue reading There Is One Thing You Can Change

Ready, Set—Wait

When life seems to be falling apart, your best and most “spiritual” response may surprise you: Get alone with God, and wait. The Bible tells us in Lamentations 3:28, “When life is heavy and hard … Continue reading Ready, Set—Wait

Let It All Out

We all go through a time when our lives seem to be falling apart. We lose our job. A relationship falls apart. Someone dies. Our health takes a turn for the worse. In those times, … Continue reading Let It All Out

Truth That Refuels You

Emotional exhaustion isn’t new. It’s also not something foreign to the Bible. Just read the book of Lamentations. When Jeremiah wrote the book, Jerusalem had been captured. The Israelites were in exile. Everything Jeremiah held … Continue reading Truth That Refuels You

When Life Falls Apart, Be Honest With God

We all go through times when our lives seem to be falling apart. We lose our job. A relationship falls apart. Someone dies. Our health takes a turn for the worse. In those times, we’re … Continue reading When Life Falls Apart, Be Honest With God

Embrace What God Is Doing

You can’t go backward in life. You can only go forward. That means you have only two choices: You can long for the way things used to be, and not change a single thing about … Continue reading Embrace What God Is Doing

Three Ways Jesus Responds to Your Failure

Failure can be isolating. When you’re in the middle of a failure, you often feel ashamed and just want to be alone. But Jesus is with you always, even in your greatest failure. To help … Continue reading Three Ways Jesus Responds to Your Failure

A Fresh Start Begins with Repentance

The path to a fresh start and a clear conscience begins with repentance. What does it mean to repent? It means three things: First, take responsibility for your sin. Second, turn away from those things. … Continue reading A Fresh Start Begins with Repentance

Why Doesn’t God Reject Sinners?

The Bible says there is no condemnation for our sin once we place our faith in Jesus. But it does not say there are no consequences. Every time you disobey God, you hurt yourself and … Continue reading Why Doesn’t God Reject Sinners?