Daily Hope Devotionals - Kindness

How Do You Treat People Who Serve You?

One of the greatest tests of your character is how you treat people who are trying to serve you. Whether it’s a waitress, a waiter, a clerk, an employee, a secretary, your children, or your … Continue reading How Do You Treat People Who Serve You?

You Can Disagree Without Being Disagreeable

Many people, including Christians, think they only have to show respect for people with whom they agree. Nothing could be further from the truth! In today’s world, there are many activities in our society that … Continue reading You Can Disagree Without Being Disagreeable

How to Defeat Discouragement

Do you know that God loves you? Maybe you’ve heard that truth all your life! But if you know God loves you, do you sense and recognize God’s love? When you stop believing you are … Continue reading How to Defeat Discouragement

Failure Can Be Good for You

We usually think of failure as negative. But wise people know how to take advantage of failure. They learn from it. They use it as an education. One of your purposes in life is to … Continue reading Failure Can Be Good for You

Love Looks, and Love Listens

What God does for you, he wants you to do for other people. God accepts you unconditionally. That doesn’t mean he approves of everything you do, but he accepts you, no matter what you’ve done. … Continue reading Love Looks, and Love Listens

There’s Nothing Right About a Rude Response

Everybody in your life is going to disappoint you at some point. Why? Because nobody’s perfect! So how do you deal with disappointing people? How does love respond when people disappoint us? The Bible says … Continue reading There’s Nothing Right About a Rude Response

Life’s Greatest Lesson Takes Time

Selflessness brings out the best in others. It builds relationships. What does it mean to be selfless? It means you think a little less of yourself and a little more of others.  The opposite of … Continue reading Life’s Greatest Lesson Takes Time

Seven Characteristics of Mercy

Mercy is like a diamond; it is multifaceted. Today we’re going to look at seven facets of mercy. And I guarantee that learning how to be an agent of mercy will transform your relationships. 1. … Continue reading Seven Characteristics of Mercy

God’s Promise to the Generous and Humble

What does God promise to those who do everything in life with humility and generosity? They will be respected. The Bible says, “Happy is the person who honors the Lord . . . He gives generously … Continue reading God’s Promise to the Generous and Humble

Do You Show Empathy?

There are many ways to earn the respect of others during times of conflict. Yesterday we looked at three of those ways: Pause before you speak, resolve conflict privately, and appeal to the best in … Continue reading Do You Show Empathy?