Daily Hope Devotionals - John 3

You Need a New Soundtrack

People really don’t forget anything. Stored somewhere in your mind, you’ll find the date of your anniversary, the score of the Super Bowl when you were 10, and the day your child lost his first … Continue reading You Need a New Soundtrack

You Have to Believe It to See It

Faith is visualizing the future. It’s believing before you see it. Hebrews 11:1 says, “Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see” (NIV). How will you see … Continue reading You Have to Believe It to See It

This Is How Much God Loves You

Everything in life changes—relationships, jobs, health, finances. But there’s one thing in the universe that will never change: God’s love. God loves you, no matter what. Your failures, your brokenness, and your sin can never … Continue reading This Is How Much God Loves You

Stop Following a Culture That Doesn’t Follow God

There are two verses in the Bible that are written by the same author but seem to send opposite messages: 1 John 2:15 says, “Do not love the world or anything in the world. If … Continue reading Stop Following a Culture That Doesn’t Follow God

When You Look Most Like Jesus

An amazing transformation takes place when you live generously in every area of your life. The grip of materialism starts to break, and your heart grows bigger. But something even greater happens: You become like … Continue reading When You Look Most Like Jesus

Can I Be Sure I’ll Get Into Heaven?

Jesus’ death and resurrection release you from judgment. Maybe you’ve imagined a day of judgment that goes something like this: You’re standing outside the gates of heaven in a really long line. You’re slowly moving … Continue reading Can I Be Sure I’ll Get Into Heaven?

God’s Plan to Bring You to Heaven

Every human that has ever lived has faced the same problem: Their sin separates them from God. But the Bible offers a simple, straightforward solution, “the most joyful news ever announced, and it is for … Continue reading God’s Plan to Bring You to Heaven

Where Will You Spend Eternity?

Over the years, I have encountered people who want to deny the existence of evil. They think that people are basically good and by nature unselfish and that they naturally put the needs of others … Continue reading Where Will You Spend Eternity?

You’re Worth Being Found

Some people believe that calling someone spiritually lost is a put-down. But it’s not. It’s actually a great compliment to be called spiritually lost.   There’s a difference between losing something and misplacing something. If … Continue reading You’re Worth Being Found

Pray to Be a Person of Vision

When Moses and the Israelites were on the border of Canaan, God wanted them to enter the Promised Land in faith. But most of the spies Moses sent came back spreading fear about giants in … Continue reading Pray to Be a Person of Vision