Daily Hope Devotionals - James 1

How to Use the Bible Like a Mirror

When was the last time you looked in a mirror? You probably look in one every day—maybe even multiple times! Why do you look in a mirror? You use it to evaluate yourself. And then … Continue reading How to Use the Bible Like a Mirror

How to Welcome God’s Word into Your Life

In America, you can find the Bible all over, from grocery stores to motel rooms, in all shapes, sizes, styles, and translations. You can hear and read parts of it on the radio and TV … Continue reading How to Welcome God’s Word into Your Life

Four Reasons to Keep Praying for an Answer

Why should you be persistent in your prayers, like Ephesians 6:18 says, even when you don’t get an answer? There are four reasons. Persistent prayer focuses your attention. When you pray for something repeatedly, it’s … Continue reading Four Reasons to Keep Praying for an Answer

Two Steps Toward Knowing God’s Will

If you want to know God’s will, then you can start with these two steps: 1. Admit that you need guidance. Psalm 25:9 says, “He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them … Continue reading Two Steps Toward Knowing God’s Will

It’s Smart to Be Patient

Your life has an ebb and flow. Sometimes God wants you to move quickly, but sometimes he wants you to slow down. As Proverbs 14:29 says, “It’s smart to be patient” (CEV). Today and tomorrow … Continue reading It’s Smart to Be Patient

Don’t Just Read God’s Word. Study It!

While you’re waiting on God to fulfill a dream or answer a prayer, he wants you to focus on what he’s told you in his Word. The Bible is God’s Word to you. Did you … Continue reading Don’t Just Read God’s Word. Study It!

Choose Holiness over Happiness

Today we live in an age of irresponsibility, where no one wants to admit that their problems are their own fault. We’ve all become victims. No problem we have is ever considered our fault anymore; … Continue reading Choose Holiness over Happiness

If You Want to Know What to Do, Just Ask

Since God thought up the whole idea of relationships between men and women, parents and children, and friends, doesn’t it make sense to go him for direction when you have a problem? As today’s verse … Continue reading If You Want to Know What to Do, Just Ask

Got a Dream? Now Make a Decision.

When God gives you a dream for your life, your eyes suddenly open up to see what he wants to do in and through you. You begin to understand that you’re not just here on … Continue reading Got a Dream? Now Make a Decision.

God Is Never in a Hurry

Be patient with God and with yourself. One of life’s frustrations is that God’s timetable is rarely the same as ours. We are often in a hurry when God isn’t. You may feel frustrated with … Continue reading God Is Never in a Hurry