Daily Hope Devotionals - Invest

Invest in Your Character, Not Your Comfort

God wants you to grow spiritually and become more like Jesus Christ. One way you can do that is by taking some of your money and investing it in your personal growth. The Bible says … Continue reading Invest in Your Character, Not Your Comfort

God’s Promises to Those Who Give

To reap a great harvest, you must plant generously in faith. My wife Kay and I have done this hundreds and hundreds of times. We’ve raised our giving from 10 percent 40 years ago to … Continue reading God’s Promises to Those Who Give

Why Not Your Best?

Admiral Hyman Rickover was the father of the U.S. nuclear Navy. He once interviewed a Naval Academy graduate and asked him a very direct question: “When you were in school and in all your life, … Continue reading Why Not Your Best?

What to Do With Unused Ability

All of us have unused abilities. But there are three ways that you can start cultivating your abilities so they are being used for good and for God’s glory. 1. Estimate your abilities. Do an … Continue reading What to Do With Unused Ability

Store Up Your Treasure by Giving It Away

Your generous giving is a premise to one of God’s generous promises. He promises that when you give, you’re not really losing anything. God is actually storing it up in heaven. “Tell them to use … Continue reading Store Up Your Treasure by Giving It Away

The Best Expression of Love Is Time

It’s easy to go through life stressed and overloaded. But getting your relationships right is one significant way to reduce the stress you feel. Yesterday we looked at one truth about life and relationships: The … Continue reading The Best Expression of Love Is Time

Why Do You Need a Mentor?

Even superstars need coaches. The top singers in the world have voice coaches, and the top Olympic athletes have coaches. The top CEOs have business coaches. Coaches help you maximize your strengths and minimize your … Continue reading Why Do You Need a Mentor?

Focus on People Who Want to Help

Not everyone will want to be part of your God-given plans—and that’s okay. Continue to love everyone, but only invest in the willing. In other words, focus on those who want to help you. That … Continue reading Focus on People Who Want to Help

Are You Serving God or Money?

If God told you to give something away and you said, “God, I could give anything else away, but not that,” then you don’t own that thing—it owns you. Luke 16:13 says, “No one can … Continue reading Are You Serving God or Money?

God Is Waiting for You to Plant a Seed

What does a farmer do when he has a barren field that’s producing no income? He doesn’t complain about it. He doesn’t even have to pray about it! He just goes out and starts planting … Continue reading God Is Waiting for You to Plant a Seed