Daily Hope Devotionals - Identity

Your Destiny: Five Winning Choices

We learned yesterday that, ultimately, your identity is based on your choices. Here are five winning choices you can make that will help determine your destiny. 1. You can choose to get healthier. Instead of … Continue reading Your Destiny: Five Winning Choices

Your Choices Can Change Your Life

As Psalm 139:14 says, God made you “wonderfully complex” (NLT). So, to fulfill God’s purpose for you, it’s essential to look at every dimension of your life and understand the five factors that influence your … Continue reading Your Choices Can Change Your Life

Your Circumstances and Thoughts Shape You

When you understand the five factors that influence your identity, you can start on the road to becoming all God created you to be. The first two factors are chemistry (how you are made) and … Continue reading Your Circumstances and Thoughts Shape You

Your Chemistry and Connections Matter

God made you wonderfully complex with five factors that influence your identity. When you understand and embrace those five factors, you can start to experience real transformation toward becoming the person God made you to … Continue reading Your Chemistry and Connections Matter

God Made You Wonderfully Complex

The Bible says there’s nothing simple about you. You’re complex and multifaceted. You’re not easy to understand or explain. In Psalm 139:14, David says, “Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!” (NLT). To make … Continue reading God Made You Wonderfully Complex

What Great Dreams Are Made Of

You shape your dreams, and then your dreams shape you. If you don’t have a dream for your life, then you don’t have any definition for your life. So many people today are confused about … Continue reading What Great Dreams Are Made Of

God’s Opinion Matters Most

Every time you make a decision based on what other people will think, you sow seeds for failure in your life. You may not realize it, but fearing the disapproval of others causes more problems … Continue reading God’s Opinion Matters Most

The Benefits of Belonging to a Church Family, Part 2

Belonging to a church family has many benefits. Yesterday we looked at two of those benefits: Through the church, you learn your true identity and you are supported by others. Today we’ll look at three … Continue reading The Benefits of Belonging to a Church Family, Part 2

The Benefits of Belonging to a Church Family, Part 1

The better connected you are to a church family, the more you will experience everything the church has to offer. What does the church have to offer? You get five benefits when you belong to … Continue reading The Benefits of Belonging to a Church Family, Part 1

Share a Vision of Faith, Not Fear

If you look at the future with fear instead of faith, then you will underestimate the abilities God has given you. Seeing life with eyes of fear causes you to bury your talents. When Moses … Continue reading Share a Vision of Faith, Not Fear